In this downloading with SpotNet tutorial. We are going to discuss how to download with SpotNet. We can do this in two ways. We can use the download program from SpotNet itself or we download the NZB file with SpotNet and then import the NZB file into another download program. The choices are yours.
Download with SpotNet
When the Spots are loaded. Then we first go to Beeld. And then to Kolommen. Select Datum, (date) Omvang (size) and possibly the Tag. This is very useful. Because you can often see from the date (datum) how long something has been on SpotNet. And then you know if you have enough retention to download it through your news server. However, this is not always the case. Because it can be. That whoever spots it on SpotNet. That its is not the uploader.
The size is also very handy, so you can immediately see whether the format is correct and it says something about the quality of, for example, a movie.
Create filters SpotNet
You can create filters in SpotNet classic so that you can quickly see, for example, whether new HD scfi films with Dutch subtitles are available.
Click Filter toevoegen (Add filter).
Uncheck any boxes you don’t need.
And Click on the plus sign to save your SpotNet Filter.
Search for downloads on SpotNet
It is time to look up some cool stuff to download from SpotNet. On the left side you have a block of Filters. Then click on Films.
You will also see a block with Zoeken (Search). Enter the name of the movie you want to download here. And then click on the Magnifying Glass.
On the right side appears the result that matches your search.
Then click on what you want to download.
The following screen will appear. Here you will see the information about what you want to download.
Option 1 Download with SpotNet itself
At the top right you see a big blue arrow. Click on this, and SpotNet will start downloading.
Open Sabnzbd SpotNet
Not all SABnzbd settings can be done in SpotNet. Therefore, it may be useful to open SABnzbd from SpotNet.
Option 1
Open your web browser. And go to
SpotNet must be open. Otherwise the page cannot be found.
Option 2
In SpotNet, go to Editthen choose Sabnzbd. And then open Sabnzbd.
Option 2 has some limitations. I therefore recommend that you use option 1.
Option 2 Download Nzb SpotNet with external download program
You can choose to download an NZB file with SpotNet. And then we will open this NZB file with a download program. Some well-known download programs for the newsgroups are Grabit, NZBget, Newsleecher or SABnzbd. Personally, I’m not a big fan of using SpotNet’s built-in download client. Because SpotNet sometimes crashes. And often has an outdated download client. And that can mean that it doesn’t always go well with the unpacking.
Fortunately, we can adjust this. You do this by going to Bewerken .(edit) And then choose Downloadknop (downloadbuttun). And then check NZB opslaan (Save NZB).
If you now click on the blue arrow, SpotNet will ask you to save the NZB file somewhere. Next, you have to choose to save the NZB file somewhere on your computer. And import the NZB file into your Usenet download program.
You can then open the NZB file in, for example, SABnzbd or NZBGet. For more information about this, see the tutorial Installing NZBGet Windows or Installing Sabznbd Windows.
If you don’t want to install SpotNet. But you do want to download NZB files from the SpotNet network. Then you can also use SpotNet Online.
You are now finched with the tutorial how to download with the SpotNet.
If you have any questions about SpotNet, please leave a comment and see also the SpotNet FAQ page.
SpotNet tutorial Windows
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