In This guide we are going to install SickChill fon Ubuntu, via command line. In This SickChil Ubuntu Guide we assume that you are using the Lunix distro ubuntu. It should not matter much what Lunix distro you are using. There is no big difference between this tutorial and SickRage. This is because SickRage repositry is gehijacked by Echel0n. The original repository does not work well from SickRage.
Install SickChill Ubuntu via command line
Before we can install SickChill. We first need to install Python. We do this by executing the following command.
sudo apt-get install git-core python python-cheetah
Then enter your root password.
Now go to your home directory. or any other directory. No we are going to download SickChill.
cd ~
sudo -u sickrage git clone /opt/sickrage .sickchill
SickChill is downloaded. SickChill is downloaded to the folder “.sickchill”. The dot is for hidden folder.
We now go to the folder of SickChill. We need to rename autoProcessTV.cfg.sample, to autoProcessTV.cfg. So that we can start using the script. So that SickChill your tv shows renames to the right name.
cd ~/.sickchill
cp -a autoProcessTV/autoProcessTV.cfg.sample autoProcessTV/autoProcessTV.cfg
Now we can start SickChill.
python ~/.sickbeard/
Je can now SickChill via your browser. By default, SickChill is active at port 8081. Je can access SickChill via “http://localhost:8081”. Or via http://ip-adres:8081.
Start SickChill automatically
It is very useful to , start SickChill automatically.
We do make a copy of the startup file
sudo cp ~/.sickbeard/init.ubuntu /etc/init.d/sickbeard
We have to change the map rights.
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/sickbeard
Now we have to make a file with the correct settings.
sudo nano /etc/default/sickbeard
The following settings should be in this file. The file you just created.
# COPY THIS FILE TO /etc/default/sickbeard
SB_USER=your username
Now press Ctrl + x key. To save this.
Still put the rights right.
sudo chmod +x /etc/default/sickbeard
And then we go, update the boat order.
sudo update-rc.d sickbeard defaults
If, that went well. Then you can use the following commands.
sudo service sickbeard start
sudo service sickbeard stop
sudo service sickbeard restart
You are now done with the Tutoriap install SickChill Ubuntu via command line.
SickChill tutorial Ubuntu
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