Install Kodi database Synology the same content everywhere

In this tutorial install Kodi database Synology. We are going to create a database on a Synology. Then we refer Kodi to this. So you’re on any device. What Kodi is installed on. You can use the same database. This allows you to click on any Kodi. See in the house. What you’ve been watching. Before you start this tutorial. Must Kodi will be installed on a Device. Your Kodi database isn’t moving.

Install MariaDB 10 Synology to install the Kodi database

synology kodi

On your Synology, go to the Package Center.

Install MariaDB 10 Synology to install the Kodi database

Go to All Packages.

And look up MariaDB 10. And press Install.

mariadb database creating synology

Create Database Synology

Select create a new database.

mariadb port

Create a password here. Then press Next.

mariadb installation synology

Click Apply. MariaDB 10. Installs now on your Synology.

This could take a while.

Configure MariaDB 10 for local network

mariadb 10 synology port

Open MariaDB.

Here, turn on the TCP/ip connectioncheck mark.

And then click Apply.

If Firwall is on your Synology

If you have a firewall on your Synology.

Then you have to. Also add a line here.

Go to Control Panel. And then the Tablad Auction.

firewall synology

Then Edit Rules. And then Make.

firewall rules ports

Then next to Select from a list of built-in applications. Select clicks. And then choose MariaDB 10.

At source ip, choose Select.

bron ip synology

Type the ip addresses of your Kodi hardware here.

Do repeat above. If you have multiple hardware that you installed Kodi on.

mariadb port synology

That’s what your rule looks like.

Get Kodi database filled

We’ll be the first to create an advancedsettings.xeml file in your Kodi.

synology kodi userdata

I do this from a Windows computer. Kodi can often be accessed by default from your network. You just need to know the local ip address.

We fill the advancedsettings.xml with the following

<video database>
<type > mysql < /type>
<host > ip address synology < /host>
<port > 3307 < /port>
<user > root likely and otherwise likely < admin/user>
<pass > MySQL password (which you just created) < /pass>

<music database>
<type > mysql < /type>
<host > ip address synology < /host>
<port > 33307 < /port>
<user > root likely and otherwise likely < admin/user>
<pass > MySQL password (which you just created) < /pass>

The following is optional. You need to add this after < /musicdatabase > and for < /advancedsettings >

<from > < special://profile/sources.xml/from>
<to>nfs://ip address synology/map/to/sources.xml < /to>

<from > < special://profile/mediasources.xml/from>
<to>nfs://ip address synology/map/to/mediasources.xml < /to>

<from > < special://profile/favourites.xml/from>
<to>nfs://ip address synology/map/to/favourites.xml < /to>

<from > < special://profile/playlists//from>
<to>nfs://ip address synology/map/to/playlists/ < /to>

<from > < special://profile/passwords.xml/from>
<to>nfs://ip address synology/map/to/passwords.xml < /to>

Configure Kodi data

Now go on the device that Kodi is installed on.

kodi options

When Kodi starts. Click on the gear icon.

kodi addons

Then go to Addons.

kodi repo

Choose Install from repository.

kodi information providers. Png

Then Information providers.

kodi movie information

Movie information.

kodi movie scraper

Unvirsal movie scraper And then click Install.

Then install.

Unvirsal movie scraper Select

The above addons are installed immediately.

Then press OK.

Synology map sharing in network with Lunix device as a Raspberry pi with Kodi

I use a raspberry pi to watch my movies. So I also need to share a folder on my Synology. Got another Lunix based device. Then this works exactly the same.

It is best to give a fixed ip address on your raspberri pi. Otherwise, you have the chance that the rights will disappear after a restart.

synology volume 2

Go to Screen Configuration.

Then shared folder.

Click the folder you want to share. Do this with your right mouse. And then click edit.

Go to the NFS permissionstray.

Click Create.

nfs rule synology

Please enter the local ip address here. From your Kodi device.

Then click Ok.

shared folder synology kodi

If it went well you have above.

Mark Kodi folder as movie folder

Now we’re going back to Kodi.

Now we have to tell Kodi. What your movie folder or folders are. To your Synology.

kodi film folder

Go to the main menu in Kodi. Then to Movies. And then Enter file section.

Then Add videos.

Dan Browse.

Then opt for Network file system (nfs)

Then the ip addresses of your Synology will appear.

Then select the correct folder.

And then click Ok.

kodi content

You will now get the above question. Select the information provider.

And then back to the o’r.

Clipping movies inscans

You will then get the question above. Now begins to scan your movies. And would put everything in the database. Your Synology should be stored.

If you have a not all too fast Kodi device. Then do this by movie folder. And not too much at once. Otherwise, it could get stuck.

Check if the Kodi database is being created

Go to the Package center.

php admin synologyPNG

Go to All Packages in install phpMyAdmin.

WebStation and php 5 will be included during this installation. Because without phpMYAdmin can not.

mariadb login screen synology

If PhpMyadim is installed. Click open. The page above will appear.

If you are logged in.

Now you see on the left a database with the name.

If all went well, you’re done now.

If nothing appears in the database Please check your advancedsettings.xml file. A wrong user name or password may be the problem. Or you don’t have a firewall rule on your Synology.

This was the manual Kodi database install synology.

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