Nzbget error messages FAQ troubleshooting known issues

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Here is a list of known NZBGet error messages. And the explanation how to solve these error messages. If you run into any other issue with NZBGet leave a comment.

Most of the problems you can get with NZBGet are folder permissions issues. With Synology, the simplest solution is often to reinstall NZBGet. With Linux, the solution is to set the folder permissions correctly with chmod.

Errors NZBGet

I am getting CERT Errors

Solution 1 Linux
Go to the installation folder of NZBGet. And then run the following command: sudo wget cacert.pem

Solution 2
Try to fix it first by updating NZBGet. Otherwise, reinstall.

Solution 3
Go to NZBGet and then Settings >Securtiy> CertCheck> No and then Save All changes.

Unrar error code: 254

The program Unrar to extract files does not have permissions on the folder.
Solution 1

Reinstall NZBGet.

Solution 2
Reset the permissions on the folder nzbget/bin/unrar.

Unrar error code: 10

The folder permissions are not set correctly on the folder. /downloads/complete

The download speed is slow

Increase the number of connections. Also check how old the post is. If it’s an old post, they sometimes go a bit slower. But it could also be DMCA. For more information see Usenet DMCA.

Blocking ( for 10 sec

Something is wrong with the news server. Probably a malfunction, check the website of your Usenet provider.

Could not resolve hostname “Newsserveradress” : ErrNo 110, Connection timed out

Your news server has a problem. Or there is something wrong with the DNS of your internet provider. You may be able to resolve this by changing your modem’s DNS to (Cloudflare) or (Google).

TypeError: Argument 1 of FileReader.readAsBinaryString is not an object.
I cannot attach the file because is 2 MB large.

This message may be caused by a plugin in your internet browser. Try another browser or uninstall each plugin one by one until it works.

NzbGet no longer works after an update

The easiest solution is to reinstall.

How do I reset my password in NZBGet?

You can change the password in the nzbget.conf file.

What is NZBGet’s default password and username?

Username: nzbget
Password:te bzn 6789
Username: nzbget

Could not receive data on socket: ErrNo 10060

There is probably a Network outage at your Usenet provider. Or your internet provider. A possible solution is to change the DNS.

Out Of Memory Error NZBGET

You could do some optimizations on your device that has NZBGet installed on it. See the NZBGet optimization tutorial. It is also possible that the memory of your device is not good. You could do a memory test.

I no longer receive updates from NZBGet?

This is correct NZBGet is no longer being updated by the original developer. If you want a more recent version see Or use SABnzbd.

NZBget is no longer getting updates on my Synology

You can use Docker which gets some more updates. But the development of NZBGet is very quiet. See the NZBGet docker installation tutorial Synology.

Is there a known NZBGet error message missing? Leave a message. Then we can add this NZBget error message. With the solution to this overview of NZBGet error messages. Also known as an NZBGet FAQ.

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