SABnzbd resolve known issues

sabnzbd logo nzbusenet Resolve SABnzbd known issues

On this page you will find an overview of known SABnzbd problems. If you miss something, feel free to post a message below. Maybe we can help you further with SABnzbd. Sabnzbd has stopped working what can you do to fix this?

This was a review of SABnzbd known problems. I hope you now know why your Sabnzbd has stopped working. If not, please leave a message. Then we can look for a solution. Otherwise someone else can probably help you.

Unpacking failed File to long

You will receive this message if the path is too long. Everything really counts! spaces dots and so on. For example “c:\downloads\sabznbd\film\extractedfilm\film\film.avi” This can be a maximum of 265 characters. So don’t let your downloads be written too deeply.

Paused job “…” because of encrypted RAR file

There is a password on your download.

WARNING: unzip program not found!

In SABnzbd go to Settings and then Post processing. Set the following check marks here:
Enable Unrar

Abort Download After X Missing Articles

The download was not uploaded correctly. Or it did not arrive on your news server properly. You can try again later. Or add extra backup news servers in SABnzbd.

Get the message this connection is not Private

This is because the SABnzbd certificates are not valid. Because these are only local. You can solve this by installing valid certificates. But these often cost money. And these are unnecessary if SABnzbd can only be accessed locally.

You can in the SABnzbd menu (icon in your bar). Click on Troubleshooter then, restart

This turns off the protection. And then you can reach SABnzbd (half a minute later) again.

Virus scaner blocks update 2.3.6 Suspicious: W32 / Malware! DeepGuard

This is a false postive message. Your virus scanner tries to predict if this is a virus. But that is not the case. You can ignore this message and update SABnzbd without problems.

Unable to run package service SABnzbd has stopped working

You may get this message with a new installation of SABnzbd on a Synology system. See Getting SABnzbd working on DSM6.

How can I use SABnzbd with SpotNet?

In SpotNet after bewerken (edit), go to Downloaded button > Bestand opslaan (save file). And then you can open the file in SABnzbd. But don’t forget that Spotnet has a built-in version of SABnzbd. This is only useful if SABnzbd is not up to date from SpotNet.

Sabnzbd says “The post-processing has been aborted”

Update of installeer SABnzbd opnieuw. There can be several solutions for this.

Warning: Connection denied from:

If you receive these kinds of messages, your SABnzbd is open to the outside world. Someone tried to connect to your SABnzbd. But this did not work out.

Bestand extensie veranderd na uitpakken

Uncheck Deobfuscate in SABnzbd.

API key incorrect; enter the API key of ‘Configuration’ => ‘General’ in the external program

The message indicates the solution. Unfortunately you don’t see which program has used an incorrect Api. You will have to check your programs. Such as CouchPotato, Sonarr, SickRage and many others.

Reset Watched Folder every time, on Computer startup

The watched folder may not be available before SABNzbd is started. You will need to make sure that the watched folder is already there before SABnzbd is started.

Get WinError 5 message

Reinstall SABnzbd.

I would like to upload with SABNZbd

No, this is not possible. SABnzbd is only a download program. See the page Upload to the newsgroups.

Essential modules are missing, downloading cannot start.
SABYenc disabled: no correct version found! (Found v4.0.1, expecting v5.4.2)

You have not installed the necessary software for SABNzbd. See the Sabnzbd tutorials. For more information.

Remote access denied

In SABnzbd, go to Settings. General tab. And then under security. Change Remote Access to Full Web Interface – only remote access requires login. You can now access SABNbd outside your own network. You may have to make an adjustment in your router/modem. Or other firewall setting.

Is there a SABnzbd iOS App?

No, this is not available, the Apple store does not allow these types of apps. Which is a mobile friendly website available if you want to access SABnzbd from an IOS device.

Is it possible to search NZB with SABnzbd

No this is not possible. You use, for example, an NZB search engine.

What is the host address on which SABnzbd is listening?

Normally this is http://localhost:8081/sabnzbd/ unless you have modified this then it could be anything.

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