torrent site for games music movies series

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You can find quite a bit of content to download on Limetorrents. Such as Movies, series, Anime Apps and games. This is an English language website. It is possible to create an account here. The website can be accessed via different domains. It is an English language website. There is little foreign content available.


  1. Movies and series are available.
  2. You can download music there.
  3. Games are available.
  4. You can download Applications there.
  5. Anime section is present.


  1. Advertising when clicking on the site. Look after! even setup.exe

Download Limetorrents

Limetorrents download torrent files or magnet

You can download a Torrent file there. Or use a Magnet link. Be careful when you click on this. Then you can get advertising and even an EXE file. You will have to click away the advertisement or exe file. And have to try again.


If the website cannot be accessed, you can use the following domains:


But if you can’t find the content you want. Then see Torrent websites for more. Or take a look at a Usenet forum.

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