This is an overview of SpotWeb sites. Here you can find NZB files. That are uploaded into the SpotNet network. Many films and series are posted on the SpotNet network. With Dutch subtitles and Dutch music. But, you can also find other language content there.
Online SpotWeb sites
- spotnzb.com
- clubnzb.com (little advertising)
- nzbserver.com This has become a scam site. You can no longer download nzb files here unless you pay for it? Not tested and I do not recommend it. NZBserver blocked by the website owner himself. Trap niet in het VPN verhaal.
SpotWeb account capability
You can create an account here. The advantage of this is. That you can use SpotWeb as a newznab provider. This is what you need if you want to automatically download movies, music or series. Plus this also gives the opportunity to thank the Spotter for his or her Spot. And it is possible to ask questions to the Spotter.
- nzbstars.com beware! a lot of advertising.
- https://nzb.insane.software Sometimes lags behind a bit.
- https://nzbfinder.ws This Newznab provider also offers access to SpotWeb. In order to use this service, it is necessary to take out a subscription. The cost for this is $45 per year. With this subscription, you get access to both Newznab functionalities and SpotWeb, making it an attractive option for users looking for a comprehensive and flexible solution.
- https://spot.rogiervanmaanen.com
If there is another SpotNet site, not listed here. Then leave a comment. Then we can add it to the list.
Alternative Spot Websites
If the above Online SpotWeb sites no longer work. Then it is also possible to host a SpotWeb Website yourself. You can then choose to make it accessible to everyone. Or only within your own private network. Or protect it with a password so that this SpotWeb site is only accessible to people who know the password. For more information see the SpotWeb tutorial. Of course you can also use SpotNet. Only this has the disadvantage that you cannot set it up as a Newznab server and it only works on the Windows operating system.
Of course you can also use other Usenet communities. Here you can find both Dutch and English websites. If you want subtitles, you can also easily add them yourself, see Add VLC subtitles or subtitle download sites.
Offline SpotWeb sites
These sites below no longer work. This can have various reasons, sometimes a Spotweb is blocked. Or the website owner is forced to stop the website. But very often without notice, these types of websites stop.
Very occasionally it wants to happen. That these spotweb sites will work again later.
- (no advertising)
- ds.mtelkamp.nl/spotweb/
- nzbserver.plu4tje.nl/
- http://www.richieplay.myds.me/spotweb/
- spots.xenetix.nl/spotweb/
- nzbhunter.com
- nzbxs.com It was possible to create an account here.
- nasteunissen.synology.me/spotweb/
- spots.xenetix.nl/spotweb/
- nasteunissen.synology.me/spotweb/
- steegmanict.nl/spotweb/
- test.dj-ivar.nl/spotweb/
- synology.davidvanas.com/spotweb/
- nzbserver.me
- login.rwillems.nl/spotweb/
- spotnet.site
- nzbspot.com
- nzbserver.nu
- spotweb.biz
- plex.rcsnet.nl/spotweb/ You could make an account here.
- www.spotnzb.xyz Wash with account option.
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