Bazarr FAQ frequently asked questions

This Bazarr FAQ page provides an overview of the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Bazarr. If you encounter any problems while using Bazarr, chances are you can find the answer to your question here. The Bazarr FAQ has been put together to help you quickly and efficiently with practical solutions and clear explanations.

Bazarr FAQ frequently asked questions

Is Bazarr free?

Yes, Bazarr is completely free to use. It is an open-source project that runs on contributions from the community. Although it is free, you can support its development through donations.

Can Bazarr work with multiple languages?

Yes, Bazarr supports multiple languages. You can specify in the settings which languages you want to download. You can also set a preference for the quality and source of the subtitles.

How do I manually add subtitles to Bazarr?

You can manually add subtitles by placing the appropriate files in the media library. Make sure the file names match the media files. Bazarr can then synchronize them.

What does “Synchronization failed” mean?

This error means that Bazarr cannot connect to your media library or subtitle services.

Check the following:
That your media library is configured correctly.
That your network connection is stable.
That the API keys for external services are set correctly.

How can I reset my password?

If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it as follows:
Find the configuration file in the Bazarr installation folder.
Open the file and remove the password line.

Restart Bazarr. You can now set a new password via the settings.

Where can I find the logs or database?

The log files are crucial for troubleshooting. You can find them here:

Windows: C:\ProgramData\Bazarr
Linux: /opt/Bazarr of ~/.config/Bazarr
macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Bazarr

The exact location may depend on your installation, such as Docker or a specific server configuration.

Why do I need Anti-Captcha?

Anti-Captcha is needed when you download automatic subtitles from websites that use CAPTCHA verification. This tool prevents you from having to fill in CAPTCHAs manually, making the process more efficient.

What is the best way to update Bazarr?

Go to System then Releases. If there is an update available you can update it here.

How do I backup Bazarr?

Go to System then Backups and then click Backup now. You can then download the backup as a zip file.

The subtitles cannot be found

This can have several causes there are simply no subtitles available for your movie. Or you will have to add more subtitle providers which will increase the chance that the right subtitles will be found.

I get the message path does not exist in Bazarr

If you get the message “Path does not exist” in Bazarr and you are working on a Linux system, it is important to remember that Linux is case-sensitive. This means that file and folder names such as “Movies”, “movies” and “FILMS” are considered three different paths. Therefore, carefully check whether the specified path exactly matches the actual file or folder name, including upper and lower case letters. This can be a common cause of this problem and can easily be solved by setting the path correctly.

Bazarr not working after reboot

When Bazarr stops working after a restart, this can have several causes. Below are some steps to solve the problem:

Check the version
Make sure you have the latest version of Bazarr installed. Updates may contain bug fixes and improvements that may solve your problem.

Check the desired address
The problem may be with the address you have set. Try to passenger the address to0.0.0.0 in the settings.

Restart Bazarr
After changing the address or performing updates, restart Bazarr and check if the problem is solved.
These steps can often get Bazarr working again. If the problem persists, you can check the log files to find out what is going wrong.

What is the default port of Bazarr?

The default port is 6767. If this is a problem, it can be changed in the configuration. If you want to change this, open the Bazarr interface and go to Settings then General. Here you can change the port for Bazarr. If it is not necessary, I advise you not to do this.

This was page Bazarr FAQ hopefully this answered your questions you had about Bazarr. If not please leave a comment.

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