We are going to install emby on a Debian System in this tutorial. And then let it start when your system boots.
Install Emby Debian
We’re going to install Emby with the next command.
Add Emby as a source.
sudo echo ‘deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/emby/Debian_8.0/ /’ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/emby-server.list
Obviously an update of this.
sudo apt-get update
Download and install Emby.
sudo apt-get install emby server
You can start Emby now with.
sudo systemctl starts emby server
Emby’s installation is now finished.
You can now acces Emby via http://ip-adres:8096.
Start automatically
It is of course very useful if Emby starts during startup of your device.
With the command below Emby is started during startup.
systemctl enable emby server
This was how to install Emby tutorial.
tutorial Debian Emby
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