An NFO file indicates exactly what you are downloading. And if necessary, instructions are also included. What you need to do to get your download up and running. They are often used by “release groups”.
You can often view NFO files before you download anything. Think for example of You can do this on Clicking the Show NFO button.
NFO sites
You can also find NFO files on well-known NFO sites, such as:
What else are NFO files used for?
NFO files are also commonly used by Scrapers. Like Kodi for example. If Kodi can’t tell from the name of the file. Then Kodi looks at the NFO file.
When it comes to a Software or game download. Then you can often find it in the NFO file. What you need to do to install the software or game. Without this information it is often impossible to install it.
While NFO files are primarily intended to provide information, they are sometimes used for other purposes as well, such as displaying ASCII art or creating formatting effects using special characters.
As you can see, an NFO can be very useful. It is therefore advisable to save it for your movies, for example. Since they also take up almost no storage space.
How to open NFO?
You can open and view these files in different ways. Below I have given a few examples for different systems to view these files.
Damn NFO viewer open NFO files Windows
you can open NFO files on your computer with the notepad program. Or you can download a little program called “DAMN nfo viewer”.
You can download DAMN NFO viewer here.
When you are done installing DAMN NFO viewer. Then click YES. So that DAMN nfo is linked. To the NFO extension.
Open NFO file with Notepad Windows
If you want to open an NFO file with notepad by default. Then you do that in the following way. Right-click on a file with the NFO extension. And then choose Open with. Then click Choose default program. Then select Notepad. Then the next time you click on an NFO File. Then the NFO file is immediately opened in the notepad program.
You can open these files on MacOS with the standard program TextEdit.
Linux NFO
Op het Linux systemen kan je gebruik maken van het programma NFO view. It can be downloaded for free here.
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