Prowlarr Docker Install Synology

In this Prowlarr Docker Synology tutorial we will install Prowlarr via Docker on a Synology system. So that you have an extra usenet and torrent provider for your automatic downloads.

In this tutorial we use DSM7. It will look approximately the same on DSM6.

Docker Synology installing

If you have not yet installed the Docker program on your Synology. Then you have to install it first.

Open your Synology’s page.

Package center synology dsm 7

Go to the Packe center.

install docker on a synology spotweb

Go to the All Packages tab.

Now search for Docker.

And then click Install.

Prowlarr Docker Install Synology

Open Docker.

Install Prowlarr Docker Synology url

Go to Image. Click Add.

Enter the following for URL:

And then ADD.

Install Prowlarr Docker Synology latest version

This may take a while before you get the above screen. Then click on Latest and then Select.

prowlarr download synology docker

Now wait a minute. This may take a few minutes.

Prowlarr Docker Synology container

Go to Container. Then Add and select Prowlarr.

Click Next.

Prowlarr Docker Synology bridge

Click Next.

Restart Prowlarr Docker Synology

Turn on Enable restart. And then Next.

Prowlarr Docker Synology port settings dsm7

Again Next.

Prowlarr Docker Synology volume dsm7


Installing Prowlarr Docker Synology overview dsm7

Then Done.

Prowlarr Docker Synology port active dsm7

Now double click on Prowlarr and you can see here which port it is active.

And then you can contact it via http://ip-synology:49172. Please note: do not use https, otherwise the page will not load.

Tutorial Prowlarr Docker Synology

  1. Prowlarr tutorial.
  2. Prowlarr Docker Synology install.

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