Prowlarr Install Synology

We are going to install Prowlarr Synology in this tutorial. Install Prowlarr on a Synology system. So you have more sources to download for your automatic download programs like Radarr and Sonarr.

Prowlarr Add Synology source

We first need to ensure that Prowlarr can be added to your Synology device.

Package center synology

Go to the Packe Center.

add packages synocommunity

Go to Settings. Click Add.

Name: don’t care.


Click Ok.

Prowlarr Install Synology

Package center synology

Go to the Package Center.

Go to Community.

install prowlarr synology

Search for Prowlarr, and click Install.

Agreed package synology

You must click Agree.

license agreement prowlarr

Tick the box here. And click Next.

start prowlarr synology<br>

Click Nextagain.

prowlarr install synology

Then Done. Prowlarr is now installed on your Synology. And it can be accessed via your browser at http://ip-synology:9696

Prowlarr update Synology

It is best to update Prowlar via the web interface.

prowlarr update synology

Go to System. Updates and click on Update. If this option is not available, you have the latest version of Prowlarr installed on your Synology system.

This was tutorial for installing Prowlarr Synology.

Prowlarr Synology tutorial

  1. Prowlarr tutorial.
  2. Prowlarr install Synology.

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