Set up Debian Sonarr for nzbget newsgroups

In this debian set up Sonarr guide, we’re going to configure Sonarr so that TV series are downloaded from the newsgroups. Before you start this tutorial. NZBGet must already be installed. And you should be able to download this from the newsgroups. Otherwise see the GUIDE NZBGet install Debianfirst.

Sonarr Media Management

sonnar settings

Go to Settings. And then the tablad Media Management.

sonarr-renaming episodes

Rename Episode Yes.

We’re going to rename files because releases can be encrypted.. This will give you strange file names. For example, “02ffbc012106519975abb1a24014ef13.x264” Programs like Auto-sub and Kodi do not handle this well.

We use the settings below.

Standard Episode Format “{Series.Title}. S {season:00} E {episode:00} .{ Episode.Title}. {Quality.Full}-{Release.Group}”

Daily Episode Format “{Series Title} – {Air-Date} – {Episode Title} {Quality Full}”

Series Folder Format “{Series Title}”

Season Folder Format “{Series Title}”

Create empty series folders Yes

Download Propers Yes

Analyse video files Yes

Sonarr Profiles

Now go to the Tablad profiles.


Click a section that you want to start using. And customize these to your own preference. It is best to leave the language on English. Unless a TV series is also available in your own language. But there’s a very slim chance that it’s going to be found.

By hovering over the three indents. You can adjust the order of what Sonarr first tries to download.

At Cutoff you indicate when Sonarr has to stop searching.

When you’re done, click Save.

Sonarr Quality

sonarr quality time

Now we go to the Tablad Quality. By default, the Minuim Quality is 0. It’s best to customize it. So that some junk is filtered.

Beware! When you download Animation series. Don’t set it too low. Because this type of TV series are usually much smaller than a normal TV series. And if you download x265 content, don’t put it too low either.

Beware! As you can see, you also have to change the Title here to keep them close to the scene name. Of the dashes make a point and 1080p and 720p must be at the front. So as an example “1080.HDTV”.

Sonarr Indexers

add newznab

Now go to Tablad indexes. These are the sites whose NZB files are downloaded automatically. The more indexers you add. The more likely you are to download your TV series.

See also Newznab provider for an overview of Newznab sites.

Create an account with some of these Newznab providers. If you did. Click on the plus.


Then, at Neznab, click Costume.

newznab sonarr

Enter the details of the Newznab site.

neznab api

The Api key can often be found at your account settings on the NewzNab site.

If you did that do a Test first and Save. Now add all your Newznab sites in this way.

It’s best to leave some Newznab sites. If you also have other programs like SickChill or CouchPotato for example. So you get the Api hits divided. If you have an account with a paid Newznab site. Then it often doesn’t matter. Because then you have enough API requests.

If you have already added the NewzNab sites. You also need too activate the below Newznab provider.

You do this in the same way. You just don’t need an account.

sonnar-sickbeard index


Categories 5030.5040

sonarr options-age retention

Now we scroll slightly to gangs and here you see Options.

Minimum Age at 5.

Retention Here you enter the retention of your Usenet provider. This ensures that no API requests are wasted. Which your Usenet provider can’t download anyway.

RSS Sync Interval Set it to 20 or more. But not too much. Else it can already be gone.

But certainly no less. Otherwise, you’ll be through your API requests very quickly.

sonarr filters

If you go to bends, you’ll see Restrictions.

Click on that plus. And add to the Must not contain x265 field if necessary. This is because x265 doesn’t work for everyone.

I also added acc2.0 myself.

NZBget set up Sonarr

Go to the Tablad download client.

add newznab

Click on the plus.

nzbget sonarr

Fill in the above information. Beware! Please enter your own username and password and possibly another port.

Recent Priority should be lower than Older priority. Because it is often trickier to download old TV episodes than TV episodes that are just out.

Now click Test. If the test has gone well click Save. If it is not good, you may have entered a wrong username or password.

Note catagory should be tv!

category TV sonarr

The above settings must be in NZBGet. You can find it in NZBGet under Settings and then Category

Set up Sonarr Connect

If you have a media player so as I have. Then you need to enter the data. So that your libary is updated with the latest TV series. Don’t take advantage of this. Then you can skip these next two steps.

Go to the Tablad Connect.

add newznab

Select the Plus.


These are my settings.

Click on Test. And then on Save.

Sonarr MetaData for Kodi

metadata sonarr-kodi

This option is only used if you have a media player. Otherwise you can skip this too. These are my settings for Kodi. This will ensure that covers are downloaded for Kodi.

Sonarr Add Existing Series

You can skip this step if you haven’t downloaded a TV series at all.


If you already have some tv show. You can add them in Sonarr by clicking on Import Extisting series on Disk.

sonnar folder

Click the Blue folder and select the folder where your existing series are. Then click the Green checkmark. Your Tv shows are now added.

Create Sonarr folders for TV series

We will create the folders using the command line. So make a connection again with putty.

Go to the appropriate hardisk where you want to create the folder unless you have onlusten on hard disk.


The above indicates which hard drives are available.

cd /dev/sda1

Go to the correct hard drive see above command as example. With the command CD you go to a folder.

sudo mkdir tv

The above command creates a TV folder.

sudo chmod -R 777 tv

The above command gives all users full rights to the TV folder.

Sonarr TV Series Add

sonarr series

Go back to Sonarr. And click Series.

sonarr series add

Click Add Series

sonarr TV show

Enter the name of the tv show.

sonarr series add

If you find the desired tv is found. Choose path ADD a difrent path and specify the location where you want the tv show to be saved. In my example, the name of the folder is TV. Please note. That you have selected the desired profile that you customized or created. At the Tablad profiles

Sonarr will now look up your series via the Newznab sites that you have specified.

And then download NZBGet your TV series. Sonarr plaifs it in the desired folder.

This was the manual Debian Sonarr set.

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