In this SickGear install Synology tutorial, we are going to install SickGear on a Synology NAS. So that TV series are automatically downloaded from the newsgroups.
This tutorial only works on DSM version 6 or lower. If you follow this tutoprial on a DSM7 or higher, the installation will crash on Installing Python currently.
For DSM7 you can use the SickGear Docker installation tutorial.
Add SickGear installation capability to your Synology NAS.
Before we can install SickGear on your Synology NAS. Do we first have to add the option to install SickGear on your Synology NAS. If this is already done. Then you can skip this step.
Once you are logged in to your Synology webpage, go to the Package Center.
Then, go to Settings.
Go to thePackage Sources tab. Now click Add. Enter a namefor Name. And at location, enter the following “” Then click OK. And OKagain.
Create TV series download folder
Before we can start installing SickGear. First we have to create a folder. To store your TV series. You can skip this step. If you already have a folder with TV series.
Go to the beginning screen of your Synology NAS. And then choose File Station. Click Create. And then click Create New Shared Folder.
Give a nameand choose a location. Once you’ve done that, click OK.
Click on Local Users and choose Local Groups.
You need to check users’ read/write rights. Of course, also give the Administrators group access. Then click OK. Your folder has now been created. En je ziet hem nu aan de linker kant er bij staan.
Install SickGear Synology
Now we can actually add SickGear to your Synology NAS.
Go back to the Package center.
Then go down and click on Community.
Look up SickBeard Costum. And then click Install.
During the installation you will be asked for a url, enter And fork must be Main.
Go to the Installedtab.
Open SickGear, and choose Action and then Run.
You can now access SickGear via http://your-synology-ip-address:8081
You are now done installing SickGear.
SickGear Synology tutorial
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