in this tutorial Install Htpc Manager Ubuntu. We are going to install Htpc Manager on a computer with Ubuntu. We do this via the command line.
Ubuntu Install Manager Htpc
Install all requirements for HTPC Manger.
sudo apt-get install build-essential git python-imaging python-dev python-setuptools python-pip python-cherrypy vnstat -y
This piece of software is needed to read your computer information. For example, CPU and computer memory.
sudo pip install psutil
We will now download and install Htpc Manager.
sudo git clone /.HTPCManager
Properly set permissions on the Htpc Manager folder.
sudo chown -R gebruikersnaam:user /.HTPCManager
Now we are going to start HTPC Manager.
python /opt/HTPCManager/ –daemon
Htpc Manager is now installed.
Auto-start Ubuntu
Now we are going to add Htpc Manager to the startup of Ubuntu.
Now add it to the startup.
sudo cp /.HTPCManager/initscripts/initd /etc/init.d/htpcmanager
We are now going to edit the script.
sudo nano /etc/init.d/htpcmanager
Adjust below. Otherwise your script won’t work.
######### Edit me ################## #
path to app APP_PATH=./HTPCManager
Now make the script executable.
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/htpcmanager
Update the script during startup.
sudo update-rc.d htpcmanager defaults
Now we are going to install Upstart.
sudo apt-get install upstart
Type Yes. If requested.
We will now create the startup script.
sudo nano /etc/init/htpcmanager.conf
Copy And paste this in. And then adjust your user.
#description “Upstart Script to run HTPCManager as a service on Ubuntu/Debian based systems”
#Enter your username below!
setuid gebruiker
setgid gebruikerstart on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [016]respawn
exec / /.HTPCManager/ –daemon
Now press Ctrl + X, and then Y to save this file.
You are now done with the installation! If you restart your computer with Ubuntu. Then Htpc manager is started automatically.
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