Install HeadPhones command line Ubuntu

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In this HeadPhones tutorial. We are going to install HeadPhones on a computer with Ubuntu. Via the command line.

I assume that python is already installed. Because, for example, SickBeard also needs this. If not, execute the command below to install Python.

sudo apt-get install git-core python

We must first install git. If that hasn’t been done yet. We do this by executing the following command.

sudo apt-get install git-core

We must be sure that we are in the home directory. So we type the following.

cd ~

Then type below to download HeadPhones. It will put Headphones in a hidden folder “.headphones” note the dot!

git clone .headphones

Now go to the HeadPhones folder.

cd .headphones

To start HeadPhones, type below.


You can acces HeadPhones via http: // localhost: 8181″ in your browser. Or via the IP address of your other computer “” To adjust your settings in HeadPhones.

Automatically start HeadPhones when Ubuntu starts

We must be sure. That we are in the HeadPhones folder.

cd ~/.headphones

Now we are going to create a deamon for HeadPhones. So HeadPhones starts automatically. When the computer starts.

sudo cp init.ubuntu /etc/init.d/headphones
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/headphones
sudo update-rc.d headphones defaults

Now we still have to do the settings of the deamon.

sudo nano /etc/default/headphones

Delete the ## in the following options. And indicate the correct location where HeadPhones is installed. Don’t forget the dot!

HP_USER= you Ubuntu username
HP_DATA=home/your username/.headphones

Personally, I find it clear if HeadPhones. Running in the same port range as SickBeard and SABnzbd. So I adjust the port right here.

And now check if it works.

sudo /etc/init.d/headphones start

You have now finished installing the HeadPhones Ubuntu tutorial

Tutorial Ubuntu Headphones

  1. HeadPhones tutorial.
  2. Headpphones install Ubuntu.

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