Install Headphones Docker to download music

We are going to install Headphones Docker. So that you can automatically download the desired Music. This is possible via the Bittorent network, but also via the newsgroups.

Docker installation for Headphones

You need to install the Docker software on your Synology. If you haven’t already installed it. Docker ensures that you have much more software available on your Synology system. And you are much less dependent on the Synology community to make software available for your Synology.

Open the page of your Synology system.

Open Packe center.

install Docker for Headphones

Go to the tab all packages.

Search for Docker.

Then click Install. Under the Docker icon.

Install Docker Headphones

We can now install Headphones on Docker.

docker synology shortcut

Click on the top left of Synology’s homepage.

Enter Docker in the search field.

add docker images Headphones

Now go to the Image tab. Select add. And choose Add from URL.

headphones docker Install Headphones Docker

Enter the following link :

Then click on Add. Then wait a while.

Headphones docker latest version

the latest version And then Select.

headphones image docker

Now select Headphones. Then Start.

restart headphones docker

Open Advanced Settings.

Check the box Allow auto-restart. So that Headphones will restart automatically.

Then Apply and Next.

Install Docker Headphones

Add Now.

container headphones docker

Headphones can now be found at Container.

It is possible to access Headphones via http://ip-synology:49183

This was the Install Headphones Docker tutorial.

Install Headphones Docker tutorial

  1. Headphones tutorials.
  2. Install Headphones docker .

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