Install Plex Synology to watch movies in the Plex app

In this tutorial Install Plex Synology. Let’s install Plex on a Synology NAS. So that we can watch movies from the Plex app on, for example, your Smart TV or Playstation.

Install Plex Synology

Open your Synology webpage http://ip-address:5000

Synology Package Center-um

Go to the Package Center.

plex media server installer and synology

Now go to Multimedia and then click on install at Plex.

When the installation is complete. Open via your browser via http://ip-address:32400

plex server gevonden

Now you need to name plex. Then click Next.

plex-add-bib- synology

Now click on Add a library.

add movies plex

Now select Movies. And set the language to your Preferred Language. Click Next.

Now we need to indicate where your movies are located. Make sure your movies are in a folder with only movies.

plex media folder

Now click on browse to the media folder.

add movie folder

Find your correct folder and click Add.

Plex will now scan for your movies. When the scanning is finished, click Next.

In the next tab, uncheck Send anonymous user data to Plex. Click Done.

You must create an account at If you have created an account, it will indicate that you have to pay monthly, click this away

Now go back to your own plex webpage http://ip-address:5000

Go to Settings. Enter here the data you just created at Login and you are now done.

You can now watch your movies via, for example, your Playstation or XBOX one, if you have plex installed on these devices.

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