Install Jackett Qnap via Repo

In this Install Jackett Qnap Repo tutorial, we explain how to install Jackett on a QNAP system using a repository.

Jackett is a program that acts as a proxy between different torrent indexers and applications such as Sonarr and Radarr. It allows users to automatically search and download content from multiple indexers, all from one central management point.

Which Qnap devices are supported?

Currently, not all QNAP devices are supported. Support is limited to:

  • TS-NASX86
  • TS-NASARM_64
  • TS-X41

Please visit the website for the most up-to-date information, as this may change in the future.

Read this carefully! Jackett Install Qnap via Repo

If you follow this guide, there may be costs involved. For the correct functioning of Jackett on these devices, the application ‘apache83’ is required. This package is not free and involves a one-time payment.

Unfortunately it is currently not possible to install Jacket via sherpa. If your Qnap has the ability to use Docker. You could add the following Docker installation

Add repo for Qnap

Open the page of your Qnap system

App-centrum qnap nas

Go to App Center.

gear icon qnap

Click on the gear icon at the top right.

add app repository qnap

Go to the App repository tab.

Click add.

Please enter the information below.

Name : MyQnap

And click add.

Apache83 QPKG installing

Jackett relies on ‘apache83’, which can be purchased here.

Buy this

my qnap

Then go to your QNAP device.

Open My QNAP, search for ‘apache83’, click ‘+ Install’ and follow the on-screen instructions.

Install Jackett Qnap via Repo

We can now start installing Jackett on your QNAP.

Install Jackatt Qnap via Remy qnap apps qnap

Go to MyQnap.

Install Jackatt Qnap via Repo

Search for Jackett here.

readarr install qnap via repo

And then click on + install.

Follow the on-screen instructions.

This was the tutorial to install Jackett Qnap via a Repo.

Tutorial Jackett Qnap

  1. Tutorial Jackett.
  2. Jackett Install Qnap SSH not working yet (free) or Jackett Install Qnap Repo (paid)
  3. Jackett Setting up Qnap.

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