SABnzbd install Debian tutorial. In this manual we will install SABnzbd via the command line. Then we’re going to configure SABnzb. To download from the newsgroups.
install SABnzbd Debian
We need Python. Otherwise, SABnzbd won’t work. So we’re going to be the first python to install.
sudo apt-get install python-gdbm python-cheetah python-openssl par2 unzip -y
We need python cheetah, too. So now that we’re installing Cheetah.
sudo apt-get install python2.6 python-cheetah python-openssl par2 unzip -y
We now need to add SABnzbd’s repository.
echo “deb precise main” | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sabnzbdplus.list
sudo apt-key adv –keyserver hkp:// –recv-keys 0x98703123E0F52B2BE16D586EF13930B14BB9F05F
Then we’re going to do an update.
sudo apt-get update
After this. We need to upgrade.
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
We’re now going to install SABnzbd with Python pip.
sudo apt-get install sabnzbdplus python-pip -y
Now we have to download and install Sabyenc.
sudo pip install sabyenc
The installation of SABnzbd is now finished.
SABnzbd automatic start during boat
We’re going now. Edit the following file.
sudo nano /etc/default/sabnzbdplus
Find the following line on USER= And enter your own username here.
Press CTRL + X key. And then we press the y key. To save this file.
Now we have to restart the SAbnzbd service.
sudo service sabnzbdplus restart
Now we have to take the SABnzbd startup settings with us.
sudo update-rc.d sabnzbdplus defaults
SABnzbd will now start automatically during the start-up process.
Sabnzbd Debian tutorial
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