In this tutorial installation SickChill Windows. We are going to install SickChill on a computer. Withe the operatings system Windows. We’ll configure SickChill to download the latest series from the newsgroups.
You must have the program Winrar installed. Otherwise, you may get error messages while unpacking.
Download SickChill Windows
Thare is SickChill installation program created. To simplify the installation of SickChill.
You can download it here:
Choose this page for the SickChillInstaller.exe. To download.
Install SickChill Windows
Now we start the SickChillInstaller.exe.
in Windows 10 you can get the following.
Click onmore Information.
Click on. run anyway.
Now we click Next. (yes it looks like the setup of SickRage).
Here we indicate. Where we are going to install SickChill.
You can click Browse to change the installation location.
Once you’ve done so, click Next.
This adds a shortcut. To start SickChill.
Click Next.
Here you must enter the SickChill port. You can leave this 8081. Keep in mind though. That no other application on this port may be active. For example you can already use SABnzbd. Or use CouchPotato on this port.
Click Next.
Now click Next.
Now press Install.
During installation. A command prompt appears. Don’t click this away!
Finally, click Finish.
Now the installation is done from SickChill on Windows. And you can access it on http://localhost:8081. Unless you have chosen, for a different port.
SickChill Windows tutorial
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