In this Synology Bazarr Configure tutorial. We are going to configure the Bazarr program to automatically download subtitles for your movies and series. You do need the program Radarr or Sonarr to download subtitles. Because you link Bazarr to these two or one. Otherwise, subtitles cannot be searched.
Configure Synology Bazarr
Open Bazarr.

Go to General.
If i whas youI would provide a username and password here.
Otherwise, anyone in your local network can access it.

Go to Languages. And then Add new profile.

Select the first subtitle you want. And possibly a second language. At Cutoff, you indicate that no further search is required.
Click Save.
Under default settings you enter your profile for Series and Movies. What you just created. If you don’t do this. Then subtitles will not be searched.
Bazarr Providers add subtitles
Now go to the Providers tab.
We are now going to add multiple Providers. The more you add, the greater the chance that subtitles will be found. There are also restrictions on the number of subtitles you can download per day.

Click on the Plus icon.

Select If you don’t have an account yet. Then create this first. You can do that here. Most subtitles are found here. I therefore recommend that you always add it.
And click Save.

Add addic7ed proxy.
Only subtitles can be found here, for TV series. And click Save.

Add Podnapisi. And then Save.

Add And then again Save.

Add Wizdom bazarr And then Save.

And add tvsubtitles. As the name suggests, only subtitles are found here for TV series. And click again Save.
Set Sonarr Bazarr
Open the Sonarr page.

Go to Settings. And copy the API key you see here. This one is different for everyone!

Go to the Sonarr tab in the Bazarr program. And paste the Sonarr API key here.
Set Radarr Bazarr
We are now going to link Bazarr to Radarr. So that the subtitles are also downloaded for your movies.

In Radarr, go to Settings. Then choose General. And copy the API Key here.

Now go back to Bazarr. And then to the Radarr tab. Paste the API Key here. And fill in the correct data from Radarr.
And click Test to see if it goes well.
Als dat goed gaat vergeet niet te klikken op Save.
Set Synology folder permissions for Bazarr
It is important that Bazarr also gets the folder rights. For the folders where your movies and series are stored. Otherwise, the subtitles cannot be saved.

Open File station. Right-click on your movie or series folder. Choose Properties. then Rights Press Add.
For user or group you specify sc-bazarr.
And then turn on Read and Write.
Download subtitles Bazarr

Now go to Task. And start all Tasks here. By clicking on the play icon. You only do this the first time. Now you have to wait a while until your series have been added to series. And the same goes for movies, of course.

Then go to Series. And click on the tooth mop icon next to the series you want subtitles for. And select your profile that you have created. The subtitles are now searched. It may take a while for everything to download. Because there are restrictions on the websites you download the subtitles from. The more subtitles you need. Hoe langer het duurt voordat ze allemaal gevonden worden.
This was the Configure Synology Bazarr tutorial.
Tutorial Synology Bazarr
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