Install CouchPotato Windows tutorial to download movies

CouchPotato makes it possible to automatically download movies from newsgroups. And torrents in the desired quality. In this Couch Potato tutorial we only discuss the newsgroup option. Before starting this tutorial, SABnzb must be installed and working. CouchPotato works the same as Sickbeard. CouchPotato checks if the film is in the desired quality

and then sends a command to SABnzbd to download the nzb file.
couchporato logo

It is highly desirable to have a VIP account with a Neznab Search Provider. Like for example Dognzb. Because there are simply no good free alternatives. There are free alternatives built into CouchPotato. Like and but these work very poorly.

If you use there is a very good chance that you are downloading the wrong version of your movie. This occurs, for example. A remake. You have the chance that old version will be downloaded. You also have the chance that if you have selected 720p, for example, he will download a 720p cam version of your desired movie.

CouchPotato downloading

You can download the latest version from Choose the Windows version.

Starting CouchPotato during Windows Boot

install CouchPotato Windows

The installation of CouchPotato is quite simple just keep pressing next. You just have to make sure you check the Run CouchPotato at startup checkbox. This is very useful. When the Setup is done with the installation. Then we go to the next step.

CouchPotato tutorial Windows

  1. CouchPotato tutorials.
  2. Install CouchPotato Windows.
  3. Let CouchPotato talk to SABnzbd Windows.
  4. Download movies with CouchPotato.

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