Download Movies with CouchPotato Windows

Now couchpotato is installed. Now we’re going to discuss the options how to download movies with CouchPotato. You can do this by looking up your own movies in CouchPotato. Or via the IMDB app.

CouchPotato download movies with the APP

It is possible to download movies. Which you have added to your IMDB watch list. The advantage of this is that you can easily add movies. Through different devices. For example via your Android or IOS device

Search for the Imdb app in the Playstore or App Store. And install it on your phone.

You can also use the IMDB website on your phone. But it does work a lot less well.

Before you can use this functionality. You will first have to create an account on Once you are logged into .

Do you see a link Your Wachlist. Click. And then choose Edit List.

Click Change list settingsnow. Put the tick to Make this list a public list visible to all IMDb Users. This should otherwise CouchPotato will not work with the IMDb watchlist.

Then click Close and then Done.


Now click the orange icon with your right mouse(RSS icon). And copy this link. The link should look something like “”. There should be no watchlist in the url.

Now go back to your CoucPotato.

Go back to Settings. And then to automation.

Tick IMDB. And paste the just copied link under URL. And put that check mark on, too.

Now, if you’ve set everything up right. Now everything is downloaded. What you added to your watchlist. This could take a while.

Beware! Adding TV series to your watchlist is of no use. These series will not be downloaded. If you want to download automatic TV series, you can do this with SickBeard, SickChill or Sonarr, for example.

Add movies in CouchPotato

find couchpotato movies

If you start CouchPotato. Do you have a box in the middle where you can specify the desired movie name.

couchpotato movie search on the bottom left

You can also do this at the bottom left. With the magnifying glass.

Now a list of movies is emerging.

Select the movie you want to download.

Now you can choose in what quality you want to download the movie. Then CouchPotato goes looking for the movie.

CouchPotato doesn’t go the same way, of course. Find out everything. This is going to be in phases. Otherwise, the newznab websites become overloaded.

couch potato searcher settings

If you want to adjust the time for this. Can you do that the next way?

Go to the gear wheel at the bottom left. Then Settings. And choose Searcher.

On the left side of the check mark Show advanced settings.

If the check mark is on, you can adjust the time. See the image above.

You are now done with this tutorial You can now download Movies with CouchPotato.

CouchPotato tutorial Windows

  1. CouchPotato tutorials.
  2. Install CouchPotato Windows.
  3. Let CouchPotato talk to SABnzbd Windows.
  4. Download movies with CouchPotato.

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