Remove fake downloads SABnzbd to save space

Remove fake downloads SABnzbd. You have two options to take care of That you don’t download fak and junk downloads. With the program SABnzbd. By blocking certain file extensions. Or by automatically downloading a new NZB.

Remove fake download – by removing certain extensions

It is possible if there is an extension present in the rar files. To remove these downloads automatically. We will do this in the following way in SABnzbd.

If you have SABnzbd open in your internet browser.

Let’s go to Setup in the top left.

We then go to the Options tab.

Under Queue we are going to adjust the following options.

Remove fake downloads SABnzbd,

We check action when discovering an unwanted extension.

And under Unwanted extensions we put the following.


Now click Save.

Automatically download new NZB if it fails

This only works if you are using a Newznab server. You use a Newznab server if you have automatic download programs such as Sickbeard, CouchPotato, and Sonnar. Your NewzNab server must also support this. Not every NewzNab server supports this.

If you have opened SABnzbd. Then go to setupin SABnzbd. (left corner)

Go to the Special tab.


Scroll down. And check thenewz_nzb_on_failure checkbox. And click Save.

Als SABnzbd, nu een NZB bestand krijgt aangeboden van een Newznab server. And this download failed. Wordt er automatisch een ander NZB bestand aangeboden. Door de Newznab server. Tot dat er een download is gelukt. Or until there are no more NZB files left from the desired download.

This was the tutorial Remove Fake Downloads SABnzbd.

How to Remove Fake Downloads SABnzbd tutorial

  1. SABnzbd tutorial.
  2. Remove fake downloads SABnzbd.

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