In this tutorial Install NZBHydra Synology. We are going to install NZBHydra on Synology device with DSM 6 or above. It may also work with DSM 5. However I have not been able to test this.
NZBHydra can be used as an additional newznab provider. NZB Hydra searches Binsearchand NZBindex. The advantage is that you can filter with NZBhydra. But the results can be very bad. I would also only use it as a last resort.
Add NZBHydra installation option
If you have already added Then you can skip this.
Before we can install NZBHydra. First we need to add a Synology repository.
Otherwise, your Synology device will not know where to download NZBHydra.
We are going to add the following repository .
You open your internet browser.
And then go to your Synology NAS webpage.

If you are logged in, go to the Package Center.

NOS choose Settings

Put a checkmark on each publisher .

Now go to Package sources.
Then click Add.
Please enter a name .
At Location. Enter the following “” Now click OK. And then OKagain.
You’re done now’s now added as a repository.
Should be down. Then you can also download the SPK from Https://
You will then have to install NZBHydra manually.
install NZBHydra Synology
Now we can install the package NZBHydra on your Synology.

Go back to the Package center.

Scroll down. and click Community.

Look up NZBHydra.
And now click Install.
NZBHydra will now be installed.
You can now access NZBHydra via http://your-synology-ip-adress:5075
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