in this Install SickRage Ubuntu tutorial We are going to install SickRage on a Ubuntu system. We do this via the command line. If you have made a connection to your Ubuntu system. Then we will do the following.
Prepare SickRage installation
We will be the first to update the repositories.
sudo apt-get update
We will then update all software.
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
Now we are going to install the required software for SickRage. If this has not yet been done.
sudo apt-get install libxslt1-dev libxslt1.1 libxml2-dev libxml2 libssl-dev libffi-dev python-pip python-dev libssl-dev git -y
Now we will install the Unrar software.
sudo apt-get install build-essential -y
tar -xvf unrarsrc-5.3.3.tar.gz
cd unrar
sudo make -f makefile
sudo install -v -m755 unrar /usr/bin
We also need to install pyOpenSSL.
sudo pip intall pyeopenssl==0.14
If you get an error message try the command bellow.
sudo pip install pyopenssl==0.13.1
Install SickRage
Now we will download SickRage.
sudo git clone /opt/sickrage
Now your own user. Give rights to the SickRage folder.
sudo chown username:username -R /opt/sickrage
Now we are going to see if SickRage can be started.
python /opt/sickrage/ -d
When SickRage has started. Then you can approach SickRage via http://lokaal-ip-adres:8081
Start SickRage automatically
We are going to make a script. So that SickRage starts automatically during the start-up of Ubuntu.
sudo nano /etc/default/sickrage
Paste the following script here. Beware! At the Username UseYour own Ubuntu username.
Now we are going to copy the SickRage startup script.
sudo cp /opt/sickrage/init.ubuntu /etc/init.d/sickrage
Now the SickRage script. Make
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/sickrage
Now update the script.
sudo update-rc.d sickrage defaults
If everything went well. Then you can do the following to start SickRage.
sudo service sickrage start
And if you want to make sure it works. Then restart your computer.
sudo reboot
The installation of SickRage, is now ready.
Sickrage Ubuntu tutorial
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