In This SickRage install Debian tutorial. We are going to install SickRage via the command line. Next, we’ll configure SickRage. To download tv shows from the newsgroups.
Install required software for SickRage
First we nee to do an update. Do an update.
sudo apt-get update
Next, we are going to update all software.
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
We will now install the requirements for SickRage. So as Python.
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev git-core libssl-dev libxslt1-dev libxslt1.1 libxml2-dev libxml2 libssl-dev libffi-dev -y
We are now going to install PIP.
sudo pip install pyopenssl
Now we only have to install the Unrar program.
Unrar Install for Debian
We need Unrar. To extract the downloaded files.
sudo apt-get install build-essential -y
We are now going to download Unrar. You can find the latest version on Adjust this, if necessary.
Now we are going to extract Unrar.
tar -xvf unrarsrc-5.2.7.tar.gz
Then. We go to the Unrar folder.
cd unrar
We will now create the file.
sudo make -f makefile
We are now going to install Unrar.
sudo install -v -m755 unrar /usr/bin
Unrar installation. Is now complete.
Install SickRage Debian
We are now going to download and install SickRage. We do this in the hidden folder “sickrage”.
sudo git clone /sickrage
Now we need to change the map rights. Beware! Customize the user name. To your own user name.
sudo chown -R username:username /sickrage
Now we have to check if it has gone well. So now we start SickRage. We do this in the following way.
python ./sickrage/ -d
The installation of SickRage, is now ready.
Start SickRage automatically
It is of course very useful. That SickRage starts automatically, during the boot process. Before we can do this. You need to know which Debian version you are using.
You do this by executing the command below.
sudo stat /proc/1/exe
If you are using Debian Jessie. or higher. Then you should use the systemd script.
If you are using Debian Wheezy. Then you must. use the init. D script.
Systemd script
Create the default file for SickRage.
sudo nano /etc/default/sickrage
Onderstaande hierin plakken. and copy. Beware! Customize the user name.
Now press the CTRL + X key. and y to confirm.
Now we are going to copy the script.
sudo cp /./sickrage/runscripts/init.ubuntu /etc/init.d/sickrage
Now we have to make the script executable.
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/sickrage
Default value of SickRage script update
sudo update-rc.d sickrage defaults
Now you can start Sickrage. In the following way.
sudo service sickrage start
You’re done now. SickRage will now start automatically. During the boot process.
Init.d script
Now we need to create a standard file.
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/sickrage.service
Copy and paste. Beware! Change the user name here. To your own user name.
Description=SickRage Daemon[Service]
Group = your user Name
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python ./sickrage/ -q –daemon –nolaunch –datadir=./sickrage[Install]
Press the CTRL + X key. And then press the y key. To save this file.
Now we need to activate the script.
Enable the SickRage systemd script
Now you can SickRage. in the following way.
sudo service sickrage start
SickRage will now start automatically. During the Debian startup process.
Dude, don’t work, when I will go install PIP, I received this error:
Collecting pyopenssl
Downloading (53kB)
100% |████████████████████████████████| 61kB 728kB/s
Collecting cryptography>=2.3 (from pyopenssl)
Downloading (495kB)
100% |████████████████████████████████| 501kB 210kB/s
Complete output from command python egg_info:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 1, in
ImportError: No module named setuptools
Command “python egg_info” failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-build-1PGUEm/cryptography/
try sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools