Install Sickrage Synology

In this Installing SickRage Synology NAS tutorial, we are going to install SickRage on a Synology NAS. So you can download from the newsgroups.

This tutorial uses DSM5. See also the tutorials below.

Add SickRage installation option to your Synology NAS

Before we can install SickRage on your Synology NAS, we need to add the ability to install SickRage on your Synology NAS. If this is already done. You can skip this step.

Synology Package Center-um

If you are logged in to your Synology webpage, go to thePackage Center.

Synology Settings

Then go to Settingsat the top.

sickrage pakket bron

Select Each publisher.

add sickrage package source

Go to thePackage Sources tab. Now click Add. Enter a nameat Nameand at location enter the following ““.

Install SickRage

synology package centerum

Now we can install the SickRage package on your Synology NAS. Go back to the Package center.

synology gemeenschap knop

Scroll down and click Community.


Look up SickBeard Custom. and then click Install.

sickrage fork url synology

Wait a moment and then the above screen will appear. Here you need to change the Fork URL to “git://” And click Next

sickbeard custom install

Click apply. The installation of SickRage is now complete on your Synology. You can now access SickRage via your web browser. http://je-ip-adres-synology-nas:8083.

Update SickRage Synology


The advantage of costum is that you can simply update SickRage via SickRage itself. You do this by clicking on the icon with the screwdriver and key at the top right. Then choose Check For Updates. Updates are always very important because websites regularly adjust and therefore your new TV series may not be downloaded. So check regularly for updates.

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