We are going to install SickChill Debian in this tutorial. We discuss how best to install SickChill on a Debian system. So that you can automatically download the latest series. This can be done via Bittorent and via the newsgroups. In this tutorial we discuss the newsgroups.
Installing Requirements SickChill Debian
Obviously we need to do an update.
sudo apt-get update
Now install the necessary software for SickChill.
sudo apt install python3 python3-venv python3-pip
Install SickChill Debian
We can now install SickChill. We are going to create a folder for SickChill. This is the opt/sickchill folder
sudo mkdir /opt/sickchill
Now we’re going to download SickChill to the folder we just created.
sudo git clone https://github.com/SickChill/SickChill.git /opt/sickchill
SickChill automatically start Debian
We are now going to copy the init.d service.
sudo cp -v /opt/sickchill/runscripts/init.ubuntu /etc/init.d/sickchill
We still need to set the rights right. Anders werkt het initd service niet voor SickChill.
sudo chown root:root /etc/init.d/sickchill
sudo chmod 644 /etc/init.d/sickchill
Now we need to give the init.d service the rights to start up.
sudo update-rc.d sickchill defaults
Then we can start SickChill with below.
sudo service sickchill start
Je kan de volgende commando’s ook gebruiken.
sudo service sickchill stop
sudo service sickchill restart
This was the tutorial how to install SickChill Debian.
Tutorial Debian SickChill
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