In this tutorial, we are going to set up SpotWeb Docker on a Synology system. We will ensure that the Spot information is automatically retrieved from the SpoNet network. So you can download the latest NZB files from the SpotNet network.
Log in to SpotWeb
Login at the top with the default admin account User:Admin Password: spotweb
Configure SpotWeb Docker
Now we will set up SpotWeb so that the information can be downloaded from the SpotNetwork.
You can only see this button if you are logged in with an admin account.
Go to Config and then Settings.
Enter the details of your news server. You can often find this on the website of your Usenet provider. I recommend that you always use SSL. Often this is on port 563.
Go to the Retrieve tab. And for retention, specify how long back spotNet should retrieve the data. Don’t set this too high because then you have to wait a long time.
You can now see the following in the Docker synology log. Then you know that SpotNet is busy retrieving the Spots. When this is done, there will be something to see. This can really take a while before all spots are collected.
Wachtwoord aanpassen Admin SpotWeb
Go to Admin and then Change User.
Then change the password. And click Change.
Do not adjust the other settings.
Create new user
You still need to be logged in under your admin account.
We are going to create a user for SABnzbd and automatically download software like, Radarr and Sonarr.
Fill in the above information and click on Add.
Now you have to log out and log in with the news user you just created.
Don’t forget to copy the password!.
Linking SABnzbd to SpotWeb
Go to the NZB handeling tab. And fill in the above information.
The data you need can be found in SABnzbd under General and then API Key.
If you now press the green arrow, the download will be downloaded to your SABnzbd installation.
You will get this message but it works. You can now see your download in SABNzbd.
Link automatic download programs to SpotWeb API
You can find the API under your account. You can copy the Api key to your automatic download program. Like Sonarr or Radarr.
This was the SpotWeb Docker setup tutorial.
Tutorial SpotWeb Docker
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