In this Ubuntu Lidarr music download tutorial we will configure Lidarr to download the desired music albums.
Create folder for Lidarr Ubuntu
After we have configured Lidarr, the first thing we need to do is create a folder on your Ubuntu system where the music will be stored.
Open the command line of your Ubuntu system for example via putty. Below are some commands to help you on your way
Browse through the folders.
cd mapnaam
Create folder.
mkdir naamvanjemap
Make map accessible to everyone.
sudo chown -R mapnaam
Ubuntu Lidarr music download add folder for albums
Open nu Lidarr in je browser.

Now in Lidarr go to Library and then click on Add Root Folder.

Click on the Plus Icon.

In Name you enter a name that will be displayed in Lidarr.
Path: Specify the location you just created on your Ubuntu system.
Monitor New Albums: Leave this at All Albums so we can set it per album.
Click Save.

Root Folder: leave it as is.
Monitor: Here you set which albums of this artist should be searched for. It is not possible to specify the name of a specific album, because this is not supported in Lidarr.
Monitor New Albums: Here you can specify whether you want to download all new albums or only the old albums.
In Quality, select the profile you created earlier, or choose Any. The latter is not recommended if you cannot play certain formats, such as FLAC.
Click on ADD artist name.
The desired albums from this artist are now being downloaded. Please note that this may take some time depending on your Newznab or torrent providers. So give the process some time.
This was the tutorial Lidarr music download Ubuntu.
Lidarr tutorial Ubuntu
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