in this tutorial Configuring HeadPhones with SABznbd Windows We are going to configure HeadPhones with Sabnzbd. So Headphones send the downloads to SABznbd.
Configure SABnzbd for Headphones
We are going to configure Sabnzbd first.
If you have opened Sabnzbd. Then you go toSetup. Then you choose Categories.
Here you have to create a Category. As shown above. And save it. By clicking Save.
Now in SABNzbd we go to General (top right). And copy the API key here. If you don’t have an API key here. Then you probably haven’t used SickBeard, SickRage, Sonarr, or Couchpotato for example.
Then you will have to create a new api key.
Configure HeadPhones SABNZBD
We will now open HeadPhones in your internet browser. Default is this”″. And then go to Config (cogwheel at the top right). Then we choose theDownload settings table. Paste the Sabnzbd API here.
Then copy the above information .
And click Save.
Search provider instellen
Go to the tab Search Providers.
Here you will need to add a Newznab provider. For a list of free newznab providers, see Free newznab providers.
Check Custom Newnznab providers. And fill in the details of your Newznab provider. The more you add, the greater the chance that your desired music will be found.
And click here again on Save Changes.
Quality & post-processing
Now we go to the Quality & Post processing tab.
It is important that you activate the Move downloads to Destination Folder checkbox.
And specify a location at Path to Destination Folder.
You can adjust the rest of the options to your own preference.
Kodi or plex update headphones
If you use Kodi or plex then it is useful that when a music album is downloaded that the library is updated. So that the new music album is available in Kodi or Plex.
Enter the details of your Kodi or Plex here.
You are now ready and the download can begin.
Start HeadPhones when you log in to Windows
If you want HeadPhones to start up, when you turn on your computer. Do the following: go to “C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup” And create a shortcut to Now it will start up Headphones when you log in to your PC. The only downside of this is. That your browser also starts right away. But this can be fixed
Go to Optionsand there will be a checkmarkLaunch Browser on Startup. Uncheck this. And the problem has been solved.
You are now ready to add new music albums!
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