Getting CouchPotato to work on DSM6

In this tutorial how to get CouchPotato working on DSM6. I’m going to explain how to get CouchPotato working again on DSM version 6. Synology’s security has been tightened up since version 6, which means that quite a few packages no longer work.

Enable SSH Synology

Terminal and SNMP must be enabled on your Synology.

Open the page of your Synology in your web browser.


In Synology we go to Control Panel, then to Terminal and SNMP.

ssh synology

Check the Enable SSH service here, and click Apply.

Access Synology from the command line with Putty

Now that we have enabled Terminal (SSH) on your Synology. Can we access the nas via the command line. We do this with Putty.

Download Putty heree run putty.exe.

putty synology

Fill in the IP address of your NAS at Host Name and at Port10. then click Open.

You may now get an error message, then click Yes. This is because you have not previously connected to your NAS via the command line. This is just the first time only.

You will now see a black screen with login as: Here you have to enter a username with admin rights. Press enter, and enter the passwordand press enteragain.

Now run the following command.

sudo vi /var/packages/couchpotatoserver/scripts

Or the command below if you get an empty file with the above command.

sudo vi /var/packages/couchpotatoserver-custom/scripts

Then press Enterand enter your Passwordand press Enteragain.

Now find the following line. USER=”couchpotatoserver” or USER=”couchpotatoserver-custom” adjust this to the user root. So this will be USER=”root” Note this must be exactly the same. It is case sensitive.

Now press the ESCkey and type :wq the file is now edited and saved.

Now try launching CouchPotato again.

You should now have CouchPotato DSM 6 up and running.

Couchpotato synology tutorial

  1. CouchPotato tutorials.
  2. Get CouchPotato working on DSM6.

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