SpotWeb install Ubuntu to download NZB files

In this tutorial, install SpotWeb Ubuntu. Are we going to install SpotWeb on a computer with Ubuntu. This is going to be done via the command line.

Install SpotWeb requirements

Before we start the installation of SpotWeb. We have to create a web server with PHP and MYSQL. Do you already have this? Then you can skipp this part.

sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 php5-curl php5-gd php5-gmp

Set the time zone.

sudo sed -i “s/^;date.timezone =.*/date.timezone = Europe\/Amsterdam/” /etc/php5/*/php.ini

Install the mysql database and php.

sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client php5-mysql

You are now done with the requirements for SpotWeb.

Installing SpotWeb Ubuntu

Now we just have to create a database and user. Before we can install SpotWeb.

Login to mysql

mysql -u root -p

Now have to create a database with user

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON spotweb.* TO “spotweb”@”localhost” IDENTIFIED BY “DB_pas_mij_aan”;

Install and download SpotWeb.

tar -xvzf master
sudo mv spotweb-spotweb-* /var/www/spotweb
rm master

configure SpotWeb

You can now access SpotWeb via your browser to configure SpotWeb that can be done via http: //localhost/spotweb/install.php Or via an ip address such as http: //

Everything must be OK, except for these two Own settings file and DB :: pgsql, these can also be NOT OK. Next.

Enter the password that you also used with the SpotWeb database. And created the user. Then choose Verify database.

The information below can often be found in the email from your Usenet Provider.
Usenet server: Enter the address of your news server here.
username: Enter your user name for your news server here.
password: Enter the password of your news server here.
Now choose Verify usenet server.

Choose the Spotweb authentication type that suits you best.
Enter the Administrative user.
Choose Create system.

You now only have to adjust the database settings.

sudo nano /var/www/spotweb/

Copy the database settings here under the heading “

You have now completed. The installation of SpotWeb.

SpotWeb Ubuntu tutorial

  1. SpotWeb tutorial.
  2. SpotWeb Ubuntu installing.

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