Nzbfriends NZB search engine to search the newsgroups You can search and download nzb files here. This is a pretty good nzb search engine to create free nzb files. You can find the website here. nzb search engine Nzbfriends


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You often cannot avoid using a Usenet community because a lot of files have strange names. And you don’t know what it is. But sometimes you can find some well-known TV series. There is only a chance that they will soon suffer from Usenet DMCA.

Click Advanced Search to get some more options. For example, you sometimes have to adjust the results per page. Sometimes files are spread over multiple groups. NZBfriends retention is over 1200 days. That’s more than enough.

Alternative Nzbfriends

If you can not find something. Then it is best to use Nzbindexor Nzbking. Or one of the other nzb search engines.

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