Configure SABnzbd Ubuntu so you can download

In this tutorial SABnzbd configure Ubuntu. We are going to configure SABnzbd to download from the newsgroups. We’re going to set up a news server and we’ll clean up the junk that’s being downloaded.

If you have opened SABnzbd through your browser with the address “http://ip-address-local:8080” You will get an installation wizard the first time. To enter the basic data.

sabnzbd wizard

Select English. And click Start Wizard.

sabnzbd wizard gebruikersnaam

The following information should be filled in:




You can often find this information in the welcome email from your Usenet provider. For a free Usenet provider see the Free Usenet page. But I advise you to take a paid Usenet provider.

Turn on the SSL check mark. This ensures that your device’s connection to your Usenet provider is secure.

Click now. Click to test the connection.

Then click Next.

sabnzbd wizard ready

Click now. Go to SABnzbd.

SABnzbd is now being restarted.

Cleaning up SABnzbd junk

sabnzbd-synolgy setting

Go to Set (top left). We’re going to set this up. So your hard drive doesn’t fill up.

Nobody likes junk. Such as, for example, failed downloads. So I set a task to clean this up once a week. You do this under Task Planner.

Cleaning up SABnzbd junk

I chose Saturday because there are almost no TV series coming out then.

SABnzbd download failed find other download

If you enable this, SABnzbd will download a different version of, for example, a movie or TV series if it fails the first time. This work in combination with automatic download ing via, for example, CouchPotato or Sonarr.

This only works if the following requirements are met.

  1. You use an automatic download software like for example. Sonarr, SickBeard,SickRage, Radarr or Couchpotato.
  2. The Newznab provider needs to support it. As an example Usenet crawler.

You turn this on in SABnzbd under Settings. And then Special. And then you have to turn on the next check mark new_nzb_on_failure (off)

If you still have a problem, see the SABnzbd known issues page. Or leave a message.

Ubuntu Sabnzbd tutorial

  1. Sabznbd tutorial.
  2. Install SABnzbd via the command line.
  3. Configure Sabnzbd Ubuntu.

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