Configuring Alt.Binz Windows free version is a bit behind

In this tutorial, we are going to configure Alt.Binz. So that we can download from newsgroups with Alt.Binz.

Configure Alt.Binz Windows

We are now going to set up Alt.Binz.

altz binz donate

When you start Alt.Binz. Then you will receive the above message. You can simply click away this message. You are not restricted for using. From the free version. The only drawback is that you are always a few versions behind. And you can’t make use of search option in Alt.Binz


At the top of ALt.binz, click Setup.

alt bin language

Now let’s change the language first. If you are in Setup. Then you can change the language to yourown language at the bottom left.

altz binz download folders Configuring Alt.Binz Windows

We also need to indicate the folders here. Where your downloads are temporarily saved. And we need to specify a folder where your downloads should be saved once extracted.

newservers set alt.bin Alt.Binz

Ga nu naar Servers. Vul hier de gegevens in van je Usenet provider. You can often find this in the welcome email. Or else take a look at the website of your Usenet provider. If you have entered all the data correctly. Then click on Add as primary. If you want to specify a Backup Server, click Add as Backup. But you should always have a Primary. For example, you can use a free news server as a backup. Deze wordt dan alleen gebruikt. If it doesn’t work through the first news server. To download something completely.

extract Alt.Binz Configure Windows

Now go to Unrar. And check the box Automatically unrarr. Otherwise your files will not be extracted and you will have to do it manually. With, for example, the Winrar program. See also the unpacking rar files tutorial.

You’re done now. For example, you can now search for an NZB file on BinSearch or and open it with Alt.Binz.

Install Alt.Binz Windows tutorial

  1. Alt.Binz tutorial.
  2. install Alt.Binz.
  3. Alt.binz configure.

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