In this tutorial Download movies Radarr Qnap I explain how you can download movies automatically with Radarr on a Qnap system.
Radarr add movies you’ve already downloaded
You can choose to add existing movies. So that better versions of this can also be downloaded if you wish. If you don’t want to use this, you can skip this step.
Click Add Movieson top.
Then select Bulk import movies.
Locate the folder. What your existing movies are in
Scroll all the way down.
And click Ok.
Press the green check mark.
Nieuwe films toevoegen Radarr
Now we are going to add new movies in Radarr.
Press on Add Movies.
Then Add new Movie.
Enter the name of your desired movie that you want to download at the magnifying glass.
Monitor Yes, yes.
Select your profile you want.
Click on the magnified glass.
Your movie is now being sought.
It may take a while for your movie to download. All your newznab servers are checked to see if your desired movie is listed. This could take a while. This also depends on the number of API requests you have available.
Trakt Add Movies by Genre
In this example I am going to download Scfi movies with good rating.
Go to Settings and then List.
Press + .
On Trakt.
Minimum Availability Physical/Web. There’s no point in looking sooner. Unless you want to download cam, TS or TC movies. But I don’t recommend this.
List Type popular.
Rating 70-100. To filter out the very bad movies.
Genre Science Fiction.
Years 2019 2020 2021
Beware! Lots of movies are now being added! It may take a while to download and this of course also depends on your newznab providers.
Your movies added to this list. Will now also be added to Radarr.
Add The MovieDB movies
De MovieDb is een zeer bekende website voor film informatie.
Set up MovieDB
You must create an account through
If your account is activated. Open Radarr.
Go to Lists and then Greate list.
Your list must be public.
Otherwise, Radarr can’t read it.
Now add one movie. Om te testen of het goed gaat.
You can also do this via an app on your phone.
Then go back to List.
You’ll see your ruse click here.
You’ll see a number in the address bar here. Copy it.
Set up Radarr
Go back to Radarr.
Go to Settings.
Go to the tablad Lists.
Click on the plus.
Select the TMDB list.
At Public List, enter the number you just copied.
Click Save.
This was the tutorial Radarr Qnap download movies.
Qnap Radarr tutorial
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