Set up SABnzbd Synology NAS system for download

In this tutorial set up SABnzbd Synology NAS. We are going to set up SABnzbd on a Synology nas system. So you can download from Usenet. Also known as the newsgroups.

If you have opened SABnzbd via your browser with the address “http://ip-adres-nas:8080” You will get a Wizard the first time to add your news server. You can often find this information in the welcome email. That you got from your Usenet provider. After you have gone through the wizard. It’s about time we set some defaults right.

Configure SABnzbd synology

Go to Set (top left). We’re going to set this up. So your hard drive doesn’t fill up.

Cleaning up SABnzbd junk

I don’t like junk downloads. Such as, for example, failed downloads. So I set a task to clean this up once a week. You do this under Task Planner.

sabnzbd synolgy task planner clean up

I chose Saturday. Because there’s almost no TV series coming out.

Create SABnzbd download folders on a Synology NAS

Synology shared folder sabnzbd

It is best to create some folders on your Synolgy first. Open a second tab in your browser. And surf to “http://synolgy-ip-adress:5000”. Go to FileStation. And choose Create. And then Create New Shared Folder.

sabnzbd synology folders

Give the folder a name. And press OK.

local users setup sabnzbd synology

In the next screen you have to set the permissions for Windows devices as well. Give your own username and Admin account read/write permissions.

create synology groups locally

Now click on Local Users. And choose Local groups. You will now be notified. That you want to save your changes. Choose Yes. In the next screen, specify the local group Users read/write permissions. Otherwise SABnzbd cannot write anything to this folder.

nfs create rule synology

If you choose the tab NFS Powers you can give Lunix and MAC users rights to this folder. For example, if you have a Rasberry pi with Openelec you need to set this up. Choose Create. And at hostname or Ip you have to give the local ip address of that device. For example “”. It is best to give that device a fixed IP address in your router. Otherwise, there is a chance that after rebooting that device, it got a new IP address. Making that device. Can’t access the folder anymore.


You now need the folder location. that you just created. Right-click on the folder. And choose Properties. Copy the location.

Go back to SABnzbd

SABnzbd category synology

Choose Categories. And under Default you give it a name. And at Folder/Path you paste what you just copied in my case “/volume1/software”

As you can see the TV folder is empty. This is because I use the Sonarr program. This program creates the folders for my TV series itself.

SABnzbd download failed download other NZB

If you turn this on. Then SABnzbd downloads another version. For example a movie. This is useful if a download has failed because, for example, there are too few PAR files.

This only works if the following requirements are met.

  1. You are using an automatic downloading sofware. For example, Sonarr, SickBeard or Couchpotato.
  2. The Newznab provider needs to support it. Nowadays this is supported by most newznab providers.

You need to enable this in SABnzbd under Special. And then you have to turn on the next check mark new_nzb_on_failure (off)

This was the SABznbd tutorial for Synology.

If you still have a problem, see the SABnzbd FAQ. You can also leave a message below. Provide as much information as possible.

Synology Sabnzbd tutorial

  1. Sabznbd tutorial.
  2. install SABnzbd Synology.
  3. Set up SABnzbd Synology.

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