In this tutorial, set up SpotWeb in Windows 10. Let’s set up SpotWeb on a computer with Windows 10 so that you can access the Spot network via your browser on your own Windows computer.
In this tutorial we use Windows 10. But it will work pretty much the same on Windows 11.
Start web server automatically
It is of course useful if the web server starts when Windows starts.
You can set this up as follows: go to EasyPhp at the bottom right of the taskbar.

Right-click on Easyphp and choose Open Dashboard.

Go to applications and then check the boxes above.
Create SpotWeb database Windows
SpotWeb needs a database otherwise SpotWeb cannot function. So we are going to create one.

If you have the Easyphp dashboard open, you will see the option above. Choose open.

Click on New. Give it the name spotweb, and click Create.

Go to the Privileges tab. And click on ADD user account.

Enter a user’s name and password here. I use spotweb.

Scroll down and click Go. To create the user.

If this is successful, you will receive the above message.
Set up Php for SpotWeb Windows

On the main page, click on the gear icon under http server.

You must have at least php 7.2.5 installed for SpotWeb. Select php 7.2.5 or higher. And start or do a restart.
If this php option is not available, you will need to install it first.

you can download it from
Select the latest PHP version. And select the 32bit or 64bit. Your Easyphp must also be 32bit or 64bit otherwise it will not work together.

Click here for More information.

Execute anyway.

Next. If you get a message that Easyphp cannot be found, you have downloaded the wrong one. Then switch between 32bit or 64bit version.

And now Install.

Xdebug Easyphp error messages
If you now go to settings in Easyphp (in your internet browser)
And you get similar messages below.
Notice: Undefined variable: phpversion in C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-Devserver-17\eds-binaries\php\php829vs16x64\eds-app-settings.php on line 14
Notice: Undefined variable: phpversion in C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-Devserver-17\eds-binaries\php\php829vs16x64\eds-app-settings.php on line 15
Notice: Undefined variable: xdebugversion in C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-Devserver-17\eds-binaries\php\php829vs16x64\eds-app-settings.php on line 24
Notice: Undefined variable: xdebugdll in C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-Devserver-17\eds-binaries\php\php829vs16x64\eds-app-settings.php on line 25
Then you need to install Xdebug manager. You can download it from

Click Next.

Again on Next.

And then Install.
Now the error messages should be gone.
Now we can set the Php version. Select 7.2 or higher and click Restart or Start.

Create a SpotWeb website Easyphp

You must first create a folder for spotWeb via Windows Explorer. This is the folder where SpotWeb website files will be placed.

1 Enter the name spotweb here.
2 the folder where you will save the website files from spotweb. In my case this is c:\spotweb.
Download SpotWeb Windows
Now you need to download SpotWeb from

Select Code and then Download zip.

You must unzip this zip file and place its contents in the spotweb folder that you have created in your Windows explorer.
Install SpotWeb Windows 10/11
If everything went well, you can now access the next page in your internet browser.
You should not see any error messages here.

Click Next.

And then Verify database.
log in to SpotWeb
Now you can log in to spotweb

Login at the top with the default admin account User:Admin Password: spotweb
Set up SpotWeb Windows
Now we will set up SpotWeb so that the information can be downloaded from the SpotNetwork.

You can only see this button if you are logged in with an admin account.
Go to Config and then Settings.

Enter the details of your news server. You can often find this on the website of your Usenet provider. I recommend that you always use SSL. This is often port 563.

Go to the Retrieve tab. And for retention, specify how long before SpotNet should retrieve the data. Don’t set this too high because then you have to wait a long time.
Get spots Windows

Start de taakplanner van Windows.

Enter a name. And then Next.

Daily and then Next.

Adjust the time. and then Next. This is the time when the spots are picked up.


programma script: C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-Devserver-17\eds-binaries\php\php829vs16x86x230926152507\php-win.exe
The above may be different depending on the PHP version and whether you are using the 32 bit or 6 bit version of easyphp. You just have to search for the php win.exe file.
Add parameters: -f
Start in: C:\spotweb\retrieve.php
The above may also be different.
If you want to do another update during the day, you simply add the same task again, just at a different time.
This was the tutorial for setting up SpotWeb in Windows 10/11. If you have any questions, see the SpotWeb FAQ.
Tutorial How to install SpotWeb Windows 10/11
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