Getting SpotWeb working on DSM 6

In this tutorial, I’m going to explain how to get SpotWeb working again on DSM 6. You will probably get a 403 error. If you try to access spotweb via http://your-ip-address/spotweb

The error is caused because the permissions on the folder “volume1/web” have been changed to 0000. And this should be 07555.

Enable SSH Synology

If you don’t have SSH enabled on your Synology yet, you need to enable it first, so that we can properly set the permissions on the “volume1/web” folder. In the following I explain how to enable SSH on your Synology.


In Synology we go to Control Panel. And then to Terminal and SNMP.

Enable SSH synology

Check Enable SSH service here. And click Apply.

Access Synology from the command line with Putty

Now that we have enabled Terminal (SSH) on your Synology NAS. Can we access the nas via the command line. We do this with Putty.

Download Putty heree run putty.exe.


Fill in the IP address of your NAS at Host Name and at Port10. then click Open.

You will now receive an error message click on Yes. This is because you have not previously connected to your NAS via the command line. This only needs to be done once.

You will now see a black screen with login as: Here you have to enter a username with admin rights. Press enter. And enter the passwordand press enteragain.

Now run the following command.

sudo chmod -R 0755 /volume1/web

Then press Enter. And enter your Password. And press Enteragain.

You have now correctly set the permissions to the folder “/volume1/web” You no longer need Putty. So you can close Putty.

Doesn’t work yet http user doesn’t have permissions to the correct folder yet

synology file drive

It may be that SpotWeb is still not working. Then go to File Station in Synology.

Spotweb-web-folder rights

Right-click on the webfolder. And choose Properties.

spotweb permissions dsm6

Go to the Permissionstab. Double click on the user http. Check the Writeand Readbox.

You’re done now. And SpotWeb should now work again.

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