Bulknews.eu is een Usenet-provider die toegang biedt tot Usenet, een wereldwijd netwerk voor het delen van tekst, bestanden en discussies. Ze richten zich op betaalbare en betrouwbare diensten, met een sterke nadruk op privacy en gebruiksgemak. Bulknews.eu biedt snelle downloads, uitgebreide retentieperiodes en ondersteuning voor SSL-versleuteling, waardoor gebruikers veilig en efficiënt toegang hebben tot Usenet-content.
Speed and Reliability
Bulknews’ speed and reliability are one of the strong points of this Usenet provider. With a high completion rate of 99.9% and excellent retention, Bulknews ensures that users have access to their downloads quickly and without interruptions. The servers offer high speeds, even when downloading large files, which makes for a seamless and efficient experience.
Additionally, Bulknews is highly reliable, thanks to their robust infrastructure and multiple server locations, ensuring low latency and minimal downtime. Whether you need fast downloads or reliable access for extended periods of time, Bulknews delivers consistent performance that meets expectations.
Customer Service and Support
Bulknews’ customer service is generally well-rated. They offer support via multiple channels, including email and a ticketing system, which allows users to quickly get answers to their questions or issues. Bulknews is known for its responsive and helpful agents, who can efficiently assist you with technical issues, account problems, or other concerns.
BulkNews News Server Settings
nieuwsserver: news.bulknews.eu
Poorten:119 of 80.
Poorten SSL:563, 443
Gebruikers naam en wachtwoord heb je per email ontvangen.
30 verbindingen maximaal. This is more than sufficient for most Usenet users.
Advantages of Bulknews
- Retention offers over 2800 days of retention and an impressive 99.9% completion rate. Wherever you are, you can enjoy the full speed and low latency of the Usenet service.
- Block accounts: Deze Usenet-provider biedt verschillende block accounts aan, zodat je kunt kiezen welk account het beste bij je gebruikspatroon past.
- Unlimited Downloading: There are also accounts available that allow you to download unlimitedly, without having to worry about data limits.
Nadelen Bulknews
- Erg duur: als je een ongelimiteerde snelheid wilt.
- No VPN: No Free VPN
Conclusion Bulknews
Bulknews is a good usenet provider the retention and download speeds are good. This provider is especially recommended if you are looking for a Block account this is valid for life. This is especially useful if you download little or want to use a backup server to get articles complete.
Bulknews veel gestelde vragen
Here is a list of frequently asked questions about this Usenet provider.
Is SSL supported?
Yes SSL is supported up to 30 connections over port 443 or 563.
Is there a free trial available?
Yes it is available. You can download 10 gig with it.
What is the maximum download speed?
Onbeperkt bij het duurste account.
Can I upload with Bulknews?
Yes it is possible to upload to the newsgroups. This is not possible with the free trial account.
What is the retention?
That’s more than 2800 days.
What payment options are available?
iDeal, en Creditcard.
What does Supernews do to protect your privacy?
No logs are kept of the newsgroups or articles you consult. Your personal information remains confidential, and they never sell or share your contact information with third parties.
Bulknews accounts support up to 2 concurrent IP addresses per account.
Then see the Usenet providers below.Bulknews Alternatief
If you are looking for an alternative to this usenet provider. Then see the Usenet providers below.
- Hitnews
- Sunny Usenet
- UsenetServer
- Eweka
- Tweaknews
- Frugalusenet
- Newsgroup Ninja
- Newshosting
- Easynews
- Astraweb
- Cheapnews
- NZB cloud review
If you use this Usenet provider, please share your experiences by leaving a comment. This will help other Usenet users make an informed choice when selecting a provider.
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