Easyusenet Usenet provider

Easyusenet is a Dutch usenet provider. This is a reseller of XS news. Easyusenet is very cheap if you take out a yearly subscription for around 35 euros per year you can download everything from the newsgroups. There is a speed limit of 2000 Mbit/s connected to it.

Advantages of Easyusenet

  1. You can pay with iDeal, Bancontact / Mister Cash, Credit Card and Bank Transfer
  2. Over 3000+ days of retention allowing you to download many old files.
  3. No logs are kept of what you download from the newsgroups.
  4. More than 134,000+ newsgroups at your disposal.
  5. SSL support so you can download safely from the newsgroups.

Disadvantages Easyusenet

  1. Account sharing is not allowed.
  2. You cannot take a Block account. This can be very useful if you don’t download much. With such an account you can download an x number of gigs for an unlimited time.
  3. No free VPN compared to what some other usenet providers offer.

EasyUsenet Settings

Usenet server address: reader.easyusenet.nl
Ports: 119, 80 and SSL port 563
20 or 40 connections, this depends on your subscription type.

Conclusion EasyUsenet

Easyusenet is a Dutch usenet provider. Easyusenet is very cheap if you take out a yearly subscription for around 35 euros per year you can download everything from the newsgroups. There is a speed limit of 2000 Mbit/s. It is not clear if you can upload to the newsgroups with EasyUsenet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does this provider support SSL?

Yes SSL is supported over port 563

Is there a free trial available?

No. You can try it for 3 days but this will cost you money.

What is the retention

More than 3000 days.

What payment options are available?

iDeal, Bancontact / Mister Cash, Credit Card and Bank Transfer.

Is it possible to share your account?

No this is not possible.

What does Supernews do to protect your privacy?

They offer SSL, but it is not known whether they keep logs.

Is it possible to share your account?

No this is not possible. Je krijgt dan 482 foutmelding melding.

Easyusenet alternatives

If you are looking for an alternative to this usenet provider. See the list of alternatives below.

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