Installing SickBeard Ubuntu via command line for TV series

logo sickbeard Install SickBeard Ubuntu via command line for tv series

In this tutorial we are going to install SickBeard on Ubuntu, via the command line. In this SickBeard Ubuntu manual we assume that we use the lunix distro Ubuntu. It should not matter much what Lunix distro you are using. Almost all of them work the same.

Install SickBeard Ubuntu via command line

Before we can install SickBeard. We first need to install Python. We do this by executing the following command.

sudo apt-get install git-core python python-cheetah

Then enter your root password.

Now go to your home directory. or any other directory. And then we will download SickBeard.

cd ~
git clone git:// .sickbeard

SickBeard is now being downloaded. And this placed in the “.sickbeard” folder please note! The dot.

We now go to the SickBeard folder. We need to rename autoProcessTV.cfg.sample to autoProcessTV.cfg. So that we can start using the script. To set up SickBeard.

cd ~/.sickbeard
cp -a autoProcessTV/autoProcessTV.cfg.sample autoProcessTV/autoProcessTV.cfg

Now we can start Sickbeard. With the command below.

python ~/.sickbeard/

You can now open Sickbeard. Through your browser. By default, SickBeard is active on 8081. You can access Sickbeard via “http: // localhost: 8081”.

Start SickBeard automatically

It is of course very handy if Sickbeard starts automatically. So we will arrange that.

We will copy the boot file.

sudo cp ~/.sickbeard/init.ubuntu /etc/init.d/sickbeard

Now the file rights On the script.

sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/sickbeard

Now we have to create another file. With the correct settings.

sudo nano /etc/default/sickbeard

The following settings should be in this file. In the newly created file.

# COPY THIS FILE TO /etc/default/sickbeard
SB_USER=your username

Now press Ctrl + x key. To save this.

Still put the rights right.

sudo chmod +x /etc/default/sickbeard

And then we will update the boat order.

sudo update-rc.d sickbeard defaults

If that went well. Then you can use the following commands.

sudo service sickbeard start


sudo service sickbeard stop


sudo service sickbeard restart

Je bent nu klaar met de handleiding SickBeard installeren Ubuntu via command line. We are going to the next step.

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