This is a Readarr tutorial overview. Readarr is a powerful application that allows you to automatically download e-books and audiobooks. The program supports both torrents and newsgroups to keep your library updated efficiently and in an organized way.
Readarr tutorial
Readarr Benefits
- No more manually searching for audio and e-books.
- You discover new books by the same author.
- It is open source, free to use and continuously improved by the community.
- Works with popular download programs such as SABnzbd, NZBGet and qBittorrent.
- User-friendly interface for easy management of your collection.
- Automatically downloads metadata such as covers, descriptions and ISBNs.
- Works on Windows, macOS, Linux, and Docker containers.
Disadvantages Readarr
- While audiobooks are supported, managing them can be less streamlined than e-books.
- There is no official mobile app, which can make management on the go more difficult.
- If you want to download both an Audio book and the same E-book you will need to install a second Readarr.
- Some indexers and usenet providers require paid subscriptions.
- Less active community than for example Sonarr and Radarrr.
- Installation and initial configuration can be tricky for beginners.
Readarr general tutorial
This is an overview of general Readarr guides that are applicable to any operating system.

Readarr Windows overview
It can happen. That it’s going to be displayed a little differently. This may be due to a different Windows version used in the tutorials.
Install and configure Readerr
What is covered in this Windows Reader tutorial?
This Windows Readarr tutorials provides a detailed step-by-step explanation of how to install, configure, and effectively use Readarr on a Windows system.
Requirements: The program SABnzbd must be pre-installed, and you must be able to download from the newsgroups with it. If this is not the case, see the tutorial Install SABnzbd Windows.

tutorial Readarr Ubuntu overview
This is an overview of tutorials for the Readarr program on Ubuntu. Ubuntu is not for beginners. Ubuntu is definitely recommended. Like you want to build an HTPC. You don’t have to pay a license fee. Ubuntu is one of the most user-friendly Linux versions.
Readarr install and configure Ubuntu
What is covered in this Readarr tutorial? This Readarr tutorial provides a comprehensive guide to installing, configuring and optimally using Readarr.
Requirements: The SABnzbd program must already be installed. And you must be able to download from the newsgroups. If this is not the case, please see the tutorial Install SABnzbd Ubuntu.

Readarr tutorial Synology overview
This is an overview of manuals for the Readarr program, specifically aimed at use with Synology NAS systems.
Install and configure Readerr
What is covered in this Synology Nas tutorial?
Requirements: The SABnzbd program must already be installed. And you must be able to download from the newsgroups. If this is not the case, please see the tutorial Install SABnzbd Synology.
Docker Reader Install
In this guide, we’ll be using Docker to install Readarr. This gives you more flexibility and makes you less dependent on specific Synology packages. Additionally, Docker gives you access to a wide range of other available programs.

Readarr Debian htutorial
This is a list of Debian tutorial, intended for more experienced computer users.
Install Readerr and configure Debian
Requirements: The SABnzbd program must already be installed and you must be able to download from newsgroups with it. If this is not the case, please consult the Installing SABnzbd Debian tutorial first.

Readarr tutorial Qnap overview
This is an overview of Qnap tutorials for Readarr. Qnap is a slightly less well-known brand than Synology. But also a pretty good brand among the nas systems.
Set up and configure Readerr
In this tutorial we are going to install Readarr on a Qnap.
Requirements: Make sure that the SABnzbd program is already installed and configured correctly to be able to download from the newsgroups. If this is not already set up, first follow the instructions for installing SABnzbd on QNAP via SSH or via the My QNAP repo.

Installing and configuring macOS Readarr
This is an overview of tutorials for Readarr on macOS.
Prerequisites: Make sure SABnzbd is installed and properly configured for downloading from newsgroups.
- MacOS Readarr install.
- MacOS Readarr configure.
Alternative Readarr
There are only a limited number of alternatives to Readarr available. This is not entirely surprising, as the demand for software to manage and download e-books and audiobooks is generally smaller than the need for programs focused on popular media such as TV series and movies.
- LazyLibrarian (e-books)
- Mylar3 (comics)
See also the article Readarr and Lazylibrarian what is better?