Install Subliminal Synology to download subs with your NAS

In this tutorial Install Subliminal Synology. Let’s install the Subliminal program on a Synology NAS. It is best to use Subliminal only for movies. For TV series it is best to use Auto-Sub. Auto-sub is in fact made for TV series only. But Auto-sub only supports English and Dutch subtitels But Auto-sub only supports English and Dutch subtitels

Prepare Subliminal installation

Before we can install Subliminal on your Synology NAS. We should be first. Add the ability to install Subliminal on your Synology NAS. If this has already been done. Then you can skip this step.

Synology Package Center-um

If you’re logged into your Synology page. Then open Package Center.

Synology Settings

Then go to Settings.

any source synology

You must select the Every publisher checkbox here.

Synology Package Source-Add

Go to thePackage Sources tab. Now click Add. Please enter a name . At location, enter the following “” Click OK and OKagain.

Install Subliminal Synology

Now we can actually install Subliminal on your Synology NAS.

Go back to the Package center.

Synology Community

Scroll down and click Community.

Install Subliminal Synology

Look for Subliminal on the right. and then click Install. When the installation is finished we need to configure Subliminal.

Configure Subliminal Synology

synology main menu

Now we go to the main menu of Synology.

synology subliminal icon

Click here on Subliminal.

Set up subliminal synology english

By typing something in an option. You get a choice menu. Type bij Languages Your prefered Language .

enter subliminal parameters

Copy the above settings. So that you have the best chance of finding subtitles for your movies. You can also specify TVSubtitles with providers if you still want to download TV series subtitles. But I really advise against that. Because it’s much better to use Auto-sub for this. If you have taken over all settings. Then click Applyto save them.

fill in subliminal synology directories

Now go to Directories. Here we have to indicate where the folders are for the films. Click on ADD. Then click Browse. And find the folder where your movies are. Then click on Okand then again on Ok. You repeat this. Until you have all the movie folders selected. Now click on Scan.

You are now done with the installation and your desired subtitles will now be automatically downloaded for your movies. If these are available for your movies.

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