Synology tutorial logo

This is an overview of Synology manuals. That can be found on this website. Watch out! Thare are Synology tutorials for DSM versions 5 and 6 available From DSM v 6. Because the security has been greatly beefed up. Allowing the settings of version 5. Not being able to work anymore.

Usenet Download Clients

NZBGet Tip!

This program is used to download files from the newsgroups. It’s best to use NZBGet. Instead of SABnzbd. This is because NZBGet eats less speed, from your Synology. This is because NZBGet. In a better programming language is written. Then SABZnbd.

  1. Install NZBGet DSM 6.
  2. Configuring NZBGet DSM 6.
  1. INSTALL DSM 5 Synology NZBGet.
  2. CONFIGURE DSM 5 Synology NZBGet.
  3. NZBGet downloads with password do not download Synology.
  4. Optimize NZBget for Synology.


This program is used for downloading from the newsgroups.

  1. install SABnzbd Synology.
  2. Synology configure SABnzbd to download.
  3. Get SABNZBD working on DSM6.

Download Torrent Clients

Torrent Transmission

This is a webassed torrent client.

  1. Synology Torrent Transmission Install.
  2. Configuring Torrent Transmission Synology
  3. Torrent transmission as backup in Sonarr.

Automatic Download programs


CouchPotato, is used to automatically download movies. Once these are posted. In the newsgroups.

  1. Install CouchPotato Synology.
  2. Synology CouchPotato configure with SABnzbd.
  1. Synology CouchPotato working on DSM6.
  1. Install CouchPotato Synology.
  2. Configure CouchPotato with NZBGet Synology.


  1. Install Radarr Synology.
  2. Set up Synology Radarr with SABznbd.
  1. Install Radarr
  2. Set up Synology Radarr with NZBGet.


LazyLibrarian, makes it possible. To automatically download e-books, from the newsgroups.

  1. Install LazyLibrarian Synology.


With Mylar you can automatically download comic books. From the newsgroups.

  1. Install Mylar Synology .


With SickRage it is possible to automatically download TV series, from the newsgroups. And with Bittorent files.

  1. Install SickRage DSM 6.
  2. SickRage configure DSM 6 with NZBGet.
  1. DSM 5 Install SickRage .
  2. DSM 5 SickRage configure Synology with SABnzbd.


With Sonarr it is possible. To automatically download TV episodes from the newsgroups. And through Bittorent traffic jams.

Install and link Sonarr to NZBGet

  1. Install Synology Sonarr.
  2. Configure Sonarr on a Synology nas.
  3. Synology Sonarr DSM 6 working.

Install and link sonar to SABnzbd

  1. Install Sonarr on a Synology.
  2. Synology Sonarr configure with SABnzbd.


With SickChill it is possible. To automatically download TV episodes.

  1. Install Synology SickChill.


HeadPhones makes it possible to automatically download music albums. This can be done from the newsgroups. And this is possible via bittorent files.

  1. Install Headphones Synology.


SpotWeb is a SpotNet client. Working in a web browser. The added benefit of this is. That you can use SpotWeb as a Newznab server. This makes it more likely. That your favorite music album, TV series, or movie is downloaded. For this you do need an automatic download program. Like, for example, SickRage or CouchPotato.

  1. DSM6 SpotWeb install Synology.
  2. DSM6 SpotWeb configure Synology.

DSM 6 SpotWeb

  1. Get SpotWeb working on DSM 6. This is only necessary if it doesn’t work on your Synology. This can happen, for example. If you upgrade from DSM 5 to DSM 6.

Known problems SpotWeB

  1. Solve SpotWeb Known issues Synology.

Subtitle programs

Install Subliminal

  1. Install Subliminal Synology. This is a program. To automatically download subtitles for your movies.

Install and configure Auto-Sub

This is a program to automatically download subtitles, for TV series.

  1. Install Auto-Sub Synology
  2. Install Auto-Sub Synology manually

Other Synology Manuals

These are Synology manuals. That don’t fit anywhere else at home.

  1. Synology Package Resources Overview. This is an overview where you can download installation files for Synology.
  1. Install Plex on a Synology NAS.
  1. Rasberry pi rights on Synology folders.
  1. Kodi database install synology.